Friday, 1 April 2016

my father's reply this evening....he appears to be implying (see previous notes upon demonic imp alters and the 'imp - lies') that I might be in debt to somebody else...when it is quite clear from the letter...that this is about you see how insidious these people are?

I am not in debt to anybody else...and I resent the inference that I might be....bobby's mob are well-aware of my situation...and they are trying to get 'power of attorney'...see previous they are also trying to blackmail me with an illegal will...see previous notes...

bobby clayton was particularly aware of my situation - during that point in time...circa 2001 - at that damp bedsit Ipswich..."pulling strings behind the scenes" replies MI5 ONLINE...and it is highly likely that he had somebody 'at the bank' playing for him, at the time...

the 'insidious' eh?

and the 'invidious'...ha ha ha...

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