Friday 29 April 2016

what else? well my 6 monthly waterbill was to arrive....£316.09...i'll check to see if I have enough money in my account tomorrow and then pay it off...I suppose that it is because I do so much hand-washing....if I paid a launderette for my laundry loads...I'd probably be paying a lot more....either that or as my mother tells me "there must be a leak in the building" etc etc...but nobody has found one as yet...go figure...

oh and upon the subject of laundries...was it a house in the east bergholt/manningtree region...I cannot remember as yet...all I can remember so far is BI talking about Italian probably that house...the one that the police were to commandeer in mistley? at any rate...a sort of 'exorcism' was performed there...go figure....the laundry room had one of those old-fashioned tubs....rather like scarlett had had in his utilities room - see previous notes....and instructions upon the wall...Cameron had been behind those instructions...isn't that weird? was it the commune up at east bergholt? petrol nell used to live wonder an exorcism was necessary...go figure....

this evening...BI ONLINE are reporting that a Sicilian mafia had been around and about Clacton today...."an Italian mafia day" and apparently a hitman had been hired...but i didn't get that right? "something to do with the holliday mob - operating through sicily"....oh dear...anyway, what else? "the british army appear to have fixed it"...whatever it was...?

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