Friday 29 April 2016


what else? snips from INHERENT VICE....a film dedicated to IDA in credits...I-DA? see previous notes upon the steinbot/morrisonbot mafia....and that DA movie....

oh and the CHP reference 'on extras' was to make me laugh....what LA organisation is the acronym referring to -  in this particular instance?

the foreign office panama hat...and a tree that somewhat reminds me of that backgarden etc etc...see recent notes upon Saatchi's house in Clacton so many years ago now...

and this is all a bit cryptic, isn't it? see quote below...I was talking about 'banksy' the other day, wasn't I?

what else? well gill might like to refresh his relation to INHERENT VICE....he had very much enjoyed the film 'the last time'...we had watched it together 'upon the other side of the mirror'....the GOLD FANG? ha ha ha...see previous notes upon manningtree - that silly cartoon 'underwater' and 'on the quayside'....and gill rushing up to me with a tooth on a necklace..."can you tell me what this is all about?"....anyway, certain scenes in INHERENT VICE were to remind me of the EAST BERGHOLT commune...go figure...

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