Tuesday, 1 March 2016

....that cat...the mural - see previous post...reminds me of Jerusalem and the MI imperial hotel....see previous notes upon that painting of a 'white rabbit' (1980) turned into a 'black rabbit' - with a 'mr tom' reference, I might add...more upon 'all of that' later on...anyway, today was a 'Jerusalem in clacton' number...go figure....

although i'll give you a few clues..."bobby's mob at work again - trying to claim that they got there first" replies MI5 ONLINE...yes, how very amusing....

and the clues?

'bumbag alley' - a reference to bobby and his 'adept skills' at making up new road/street names for Suffolk local councils....

anyway, I was to take a 'bumbag' to Jerusalem...I'd never used one before, that point in time...but it was to keep my money and passport safe, I can tell you....I used to wear it under my teeshirt, whilst sleeping....in my room at the MI imperial hotel...mainly because the lock on the bedroom door - a simple bolt lock...was so unstable that you only had to 'push hard' and the door opened...from either side....and yes, two Russian orthodox women with colourful headscarves and gold teeth....were to 'break in' one night...go figure.

what else?....well, let us now return to Clacton and this morning....bobby's mob had told a certain Sainsbury's assistant to act like RH.... which is presumably why he made a joke about BREAKING BAD,, to another assistant - as I walked by them, in my yellow fisherman's jacket...it is raining heavily in Clacton this morning, I might add....anyway, what can I say but that my flat 2, belle court is NOTHING to do with drugs...if anything it is to do with eating too many vegetables and BREAKING WIND....in short, I fart a lot....the 'BREAKING WIND BAD' flat, let's call it that, shall we?....go figure.

....what else? a few 'jerusalem' references...a man with a 'roman profile' with a red and black rucksack upon his back (just like mine, in Jerusalem - I still have it)...was standing in that alleyway to the Clacton high street....he was to remind me of that painting within the dining room of the MI imperial hotel in Jerusalem....see previous notes upon scarlett identifying with the 'man in the souk' buying mind control packages, to control slaves with....and rimington identifying with the woman-in-the-painting, next to him....and yes, I was to revisit all of those photos, this morning, upon YAHOOMAIL...it took some time because YAHOOMAIL was really playing up....but having played around with their 'system' I eventually managed to get those photos up, again...of my time in Jerusalem 2006-7.

additionally, an FSB reference...a man looking rather like the 'Russian orthodox monk' who had revered the Romanov criminal family as 'gods'...at the MI imperial hotel, Jerusalem....the man who used to 'clean windows' i.e. work on the internet computers available to guests at that hotel in the 'early morning' now and then....well a man 'looking rather like that' was seated in a car - on the high street, besides Sainsbury's today....same beard, moustache, profile...a bit like nankeville in a way, but not...let me see - 'profiles'....you can tell more by a profile than by most other 'head shots' at-a-glance....'passport photos' - what can you do with them - they are really a joke, aren't they?

....what else? something around 'cabbages and kings'....Andrew marr had written Andrew tait's poetry....and his universe had appeared to be all about 'tadpoles and leeks' at that point in time....add to the mix 'the stalking cabbage' and what do you get? according to BI ONLINE...marr is now a 'stalking cabbage'...go figure....stalking me? I would hope not...

apparently he is stalking my father, according to BI ONLINE...something around dad being a hypochondriac....and thinking that he has 'something wrong with his heart'....well, maybe he does - maybe he doesn't...that is not for me to say....on the other hand - marr might be giving him good advice - considering that my father is also his father - who knows? at any rate, marr was telling him to get a 'heart valve' checked out with a surgeon at haddassah hospital....does that make sense to you? it doesn't at present, to me....go figure.

marr and the 'valve' to his brain....that had created a 'stroke'...."all a lie"...because that had been no 'natural catastrophe' had it?...that was caused by excessive greed and the desperate desire for power.....in brief, it had been an injection to the nape of the neck....."marr had thought that he would become 'superman'".....that went horribly wrong...."goose drank nine and we all went to heaven in a little rowboat".....marr was to realise his idiocy, later on....and make up a story about being in an exercise 'rowing boat' as a memory aid as to what had really happened....go figure.

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