Wednesday 30 March 2016

the following post might not make much sense, to most people but anyway.....

"nobody left me to - there's nobody left but you"....

this pop song reached my still does.....not many things do.....and why? because as a teenager, it reminded me of my relationship to gill....see previous notes upon how he was to abuse that relationship 'under mind control'...i.e. rimington, Tomlinson, daldry and marr/webb.....the whole 'subway had horror' that left me unconscious, in a hospital bed - in Colchester....not that I was to 'know' about any of it...stun-gunned into 'silence and secrecy'.

gill used to think that I only loved him (how could you love?.... given the satanic and demonic APPLE INC contract of the late 80s)....because I was in an obedient child alter....Farrell also believed the same, within the same short, they... I mean, the  ill cult, had used to make them believe that I was only capable of loving them as a 'child' and that those.....Farrell's gay brother, for example - could then say "you are disgusting - you are a paedophile" quietly to himself, whilst viewing his adopted brother CF with myself......"which he did, upon several occasions...." according to BI ONLINE'S mean to CF, as a paedophile...did he threaten him with 'that' later on? CF's gay brother is not his real adoptive family, that is all.....

"if a man could be at two places at one time I'd be with you"

henry and martine....

...and I was, wasn't I, gill? for the whole of your life.....watching all of the 'horror'...although I wasn't a man or male, for that matter....henry watching martine - as she (martine) walked through that horror..that was to be inflicted upon you -  martine dependent upon that telepathic connection.....whilst your adult satanic alter was to "see it as a game"...etc etc......

"and when the world was through"....those lines...I used to insert "that's all you've left me to" (gill and martine - no more 'henry' eh?)....go figure...thinking that gill would leave me 'high and dry'.....but he hadn't done, had he?...not quite, let us say....whilst colin Farrell and his MI6 'mystery girlfriend' are still continuing the MI6 crack trade.....involving human organs.....go figure.

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