Wednesday 22 February 2023

 .....and what's new this wednesday evening, dazzlenation?....hmmm....let me guess...we're back to warwick again with CIA mcdonald and SC...regarding mcdonald's wife 'lisa' and what BI online is calling "letting the evil in"....meaning?...the mossad and their 'blinding' program....'lisa' and her 'metaverse' number - relating to the prague rothschild team etc short, the CIA had been recruiting and internationally at warwick....1996/7....the idea being, that you put together teams of highly intelligent young people, who would then feed the 'idiot children' in high office....remember those like 'carrie' were amongst the chosen 'elite'....a bit like rowling and jackie ashton, upon that MI5 russian course - 1980, i suppose.....i.e. their parents pay for their 'high office' ...their glittering careers - riding upon the backs of those who 'can' because they can't....idiot-children-at-the-top etc etc....anyway, regarding moore, marr, younger at al - at MI6...where the brain-damaged were normally 'hived off' as oscar had known....the CIA program worked rather well....the idiots simply rubber-stamped anything that the CIA sent them...passing it off as their own work etc etc...however, what didn't work out quite so well, was the fact that mcdonald had let the mossad in, unintentionally - whilst constructing his own platform, at warwick....naomi then created a 'leak' and that is why the whole thing is now being exposed and dealt with....additionally, there is a reference to US involvement in the escalating ukraine vs russia war....hmmm....this morning on BBC radio news....i was to learn that south africa has decided upon allying with russia and china, regarding some sort of military training program....and why would they have done that?...nobody appeared to  be willing to answer the question....although the answer upon the face of it, appears to be quite clear to is all about 'age of empires'....the USA, russia, china and africa....have huge natural resources...russia, china and africa must have watched with growing alarm, as the US led the attack upon then be followed into battle by various EU ex-colonial countries.....and so no doubt, any country with huge natural resources, might fear that the same sort of thing etc etc...."dirty trick" replies BI online....whatever way you want to look at it....might happen to them.....anyway, if we're still on the topic of 'dirty tricks'...from the macro to the micro...the dirtiest trick of all, in my book - was the so-called 'special' relationship between the US and the UK....a joke around getting the 'idiot children' in at the top, as a sort of muppet 'special' show...easily controlled by the CIA, from behind...'idiot children' riding on the backs of those who 'can' because they can' then prey upon those who 'can' with blinding beams, in order to attempt to bully, torture, blackmail, threaten, coerce them into.....slavery, the RA cult way...doing the work for them and for free etc etc....go figure:

Dazzlenation (

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