Sunday 19 February 2023

 .....and what's new this sunday evening, dazzlenation?...well, i don't know what page you're on at present but what i have upon my notepad is the short, the darwin 'n' laura drugs mob are being rounded up...the 'leak' had been naomi....aka 'hiroshi' emet had once said 'hi-ros-hi'....rather like CIA ros, in character....another heroin addict, who after being blinded by the sick 'n' stupid at warwick 1997....escaped the lab, whilst claiming that she had then pass out, on her bed - sightless eyes gazing at the ceiling - chizuko was to tell me that she had asked for me and so i sat on the edge of the bed and held her hand for hours - whilst 'viewing' what she had been put through...what was going through her mind....roll on the years - 'miri' moore was to try and find out etc etc....turns out swiss matthew had seen the same thing, as myself - regarding what had happened to naomi/hiroshi....and we were both temporarily partially blinded for a few days, whilst viewing the same image relay of what quasi-collie had put together as a sort of 'slideshow' for the british royals...that 'believe/leaves-of-the-tree' satanic horrorshow...remember what had happened to dr tony smith?...anyway, hi-ros-hi had been the leak and that was the way to..."how to bring their empire down" replies BI online ...roll on the years - after warwick 1997, hi-ros-hi had married a well-to-do-biznez man...and was using their empty mansion to etc short, brenda then sent in the FBI to arrest and seize etc etc....£68 yes, darwin 'n' laura had been working for prince andrew....and so what does one wonder about, dazzlenation?....let me coronation....who is going to foot the bill, now....seeing andrew had promised etc etc....go figure:

Dazzlenation (

hmmm...reminds me of that ABBA song...'walking through an empty house, tears in my eyes - this is where the story ends' is simply a pity that the story hadn't ended in 1997....because i have spent the last 26 years with those satanic monsters on my back...the endless threats, bullying and abuse....both psychological and physical...and no, my sight has still not completely recovered from the last attack but it is getting there...i had promised brenda to relay it all - having secured it....brenda promised in turn, that she would help me to escape the hellhole of my life, at this point in time....if she reneges upon that...well, you know what happens, don't you - dazzlenation?...they always underestimate the power of a mathematician....see previous notes upon 'all of that'....go figure:

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