Monday 27 February 2023

 ...anyway, dazzlenation....what has been going on?....because i have been a bit too emotionally overwhelmed, recently - to even begin to think about blogging about what has been going on, in my life. specifically over the weekend....suffice to say - on saturday, i was to telephone and then meet up with penny and subsequently then learn about what had happened to sylvia....apparently it had all begun upon the 14th of july...the colonic cancer/dementia horrorshow....bastille day.....oscar's birthday....anyway,whilst out for a meal - sylvia had ordered several items but not touched any of them and that is when he had realised that something was wrong and then had a few tests done to etc is all so heart-breaking, isn't it - dazzlenation?...i can hardly comprehend the enormity of it all....even now....remember what bobby's mob had been up to etc etc....and yet, oscar and sylvia come off as victims....just as much as myself....and that is why i have promised to get that 'o h b gyde' blog down....and have duly filled in a blogger form - requesting its removal and provided a shot of my passport etc order to get this all finished with.....apart from that...i don't know what else to do...apart from sit at home...nursing my right eye....shot by that laser pen....feeling a bit dizzy, nauseous but not that bad, considering.....more the fact that i am so alone, now....nobody to look after me....and particularly in relation to that eye hospital 'imaging/scanning' forthcoming appointment at clacton hospital...the optician had told me that they would put drops in both eyes, effectively blinding me....and so who is going to walk me home, who is going to care for me when i get is all so you see how the ill have isolated me and are now homing in to 'do their worst' etc etc...and what else?...well, i've indicated  that i am more than happy to support oscar, in relation to looking after sylvia - in any way that i's the best i can order to pave the way towards forgiveness and healing......anyway, i am not sure that i 'get' what you've been looking at - recently, dazzlenation....but it sure looks frightening...worse than my own predicament?...who knows....oh and where might the following fit into etc etc........go figure:

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