Monday 27 February 2023

 ...and what else, dazzlenation?...well, so many years ago, now...remember how dr tony smith and his daughter 'sue whalley' along with quite a few others....notably lisa and her 'haarp/alchemy' number, whilst at dartington.....well, they all used to like to play at being 'wicked radio witches'...whereas there had been a 'good radio witch' at the following address, who knew more than a bit about 'healing' let us say....what works and what doesn't....upon this side of the mirror and the other....anyway, the other day - i was supporting sylvia, on a walk around the block, when she noted a plant clump in one of the small front gardens, to the right...she pointed it out....and asked me what it was....looked a bit like lavender, except that it was of a somewhat a different colour....she then told me that if i got some for her, she would plant it....hmmm....the following google maps entry appears to have a blue flower number, going on there...a bit 'forget-me-nots' perhaps?....but that was in 2009 and the flower/plant borders, in front of those two houses have now changed....go figure:

20 Kiln Ln - Google Maps

Dazzlenation (

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