Tuesday 21 February 2023

 ....and what's new this tuesday evening, dazzlenation?...a flurry of emails....and CHP has luckily managed to book in a couple of appointments - much earlier than they normally do...and they can manage morning slots - wonderful....and yes, whilst recovering from having been blinded by that beam....the toilet had begun to leak intermittently....and yes, i had found out, yet again...that the stopcock is jammed - impossible to move....and so the fear of my flat being flooded - plus having to wait and see if my eye would recover....whilst knowing that it would be far too dangerous to seek help - knowing that the sick 'n' the stupid had been waiting for me to turn up at various clacton venues etc etc...for example, the hospital, the local surgery, along with the optician's down pier avenue...one of moore's teams had been put into specsavers ....and so all i could do was to watch the slow recovery of my sight in my right eye, with growing relief....getting less photo-sensitive by the day....but with the added side effects of nausea, general feeling of weakness etc etc...unable to eat, at all - really i.e. they had made me very sick indeed....knowing that i had to fend for myself...to avoid the risk of getting drugged/tasered and abducted again by those brain-dead monsters, if i went for help....and so i've just had to struggle on, each day....shopping and so on....hoping against hope that the damage hadn't been permanent...of course, i should have been in hospital, really but you can understand why etc etc....go figure:

and so to recap, dazzlenation....if the 'tardies' have targeted you - i wouldn't visit this shop, on pier avenue...."a filipino gang" replies BI online...yes, we're back to what bobby's mob had got up to, regarding alliances, aren't we?....additionally, we also have a cypriot number....i was to spot a couple of their programmers, recently....both with the same 'key rings', let us say - in morrison's supermarket...oh and it had been 'laura' who had programmed naomi with 'cypriot halloumi'...and yes, my other eye works perfectly....lol...we'll get them all, in the end - make no mistake about that...as the programs kick in to take them out...which is basically what happens, every time they attack:

and what else, dazzlenation?...well, a certain phone number upon the EE network, contacted my mobile, recently....a phone number that petrol nell used to use....go figure: 07377 415193.

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