Monday 20 February 2023

 ....and what's new this monday evening, dazzlenation?...well, after having a rather surreal dream, let us say...i was to wake up and remember what manneke budiman at warwick 1996 - had found short, i can remember him saying about a certain member of staff - down that susan bassnett centre corridor..."corridor of power" replies BI online....a member of staff that we had often seen seated in the admin office, hastily putting stuff together....but nobody knew his name....anyway, manneke had said "we've narrowed it down to owen or campbell"...a couple of students went in to call him by those names....and upon being called 'campbell'...."how do you know my name?!?"...he then left the admin office, hastily...anyway, this file is attached to him, let us say...oh and what did he look like?...well, a bit like one of the simpson's characters......a bit like dr hibbert in the simpsons - except that he didn't have wavy hair....his hair had been light brown, like his eyes....hmmm...i need to relate my dream, first of all, in order to go onto the next bit but anyway, a reminder of meghan i.e. more 'mixed race', let us say....go figure:

anyway, yes, there were those who could remember him from 'other side of the mirror' sessions, at warwick....remember how sylvia gyde had talked about medical academic writing...along the lines of - you have to read everything upon the subject and not be selective, in order to give an unbiased etc etc....bassnett was to agree, to then add that you had to read the original sources and then anything and everything attached to 'that one'...and so 'dr hibbert' let us say - was pulled up for not having 'read the book', during a certain session....oh and i can remember gill being, there - at the a very young child alter...he was to ask 'dr hibbert' what his role was....he replied that he was the cook...the the next question...a bit like the swedish chef off of the muppets?....made those assembled laugh.....anyway, he appears to have been the main 'chemist' of the piece:

oh and manneke had also said "it's obvious why they have chosen naomi"...she had been studying race-relations, at the CRE....anyway, i digress...doesn't kate nichols look like sabina sharkey...and yes, i've just had another look at b'ham university, with respect to 'stuart hall', who had read my essay for the literature department, regarding race-relations...apparently it was an inter-departmental thing - regarding the marking system....would i get 70% or 80% (first time i had managed to get a decent mark in anything!...however, i was getting better at it, as i went along)....and also my dissertation upon jarman, with interest - according to judith elliot, who was to ring me up, laughing about it....caused quite a stir, within certain circles.....well, i suppose that the jarman number, would have done...remember - it had been tomlinson who had asked me to research etc etc....anyway, i can see from the following 'snip' that the university of b'ham has a similar number to warwick's 'CRE', in the late 90s...however, now it is called 'CRRE'...oh and i also wanted to check out what stuart hall had looked like....because he had once said in interview, that when he visited african states....he sometimes got called a 'white'.....being afro-caribbean and 'mixed race', that is what i had meant about 'dr hibbert'...he had such a pale complexion etc etc...a bit 'meghan' if you see what i mean....go figure:

anyway, now back to my dream....i was attending a sort of large 'party' at grandpa and grandma's house (hill house combs, stowmarket)....meghan and her friends, were seated outside, around a pool (i told you that it was surreal, lol)....i wondered where robert webb was....seeing as he had taken up residence etc etc...i found my way to the kitchen...meghan had done it up...appeared to be more of a radio room....toby macklin was seated at the kitchen table...he was to show me a bottle that he had found on the floor by the was labelled 'exdaimon'....i then had a look in the cupboards....because i could remember grandpa clayton had had a can of campbell's soup, in the a child i had asked him if we could eat it.....he had laughed and said 'no'.....hmmm....remember how andy warhol had once said that he had eaten a can of campbell's soup, for lunch...for so many years of his life.....campbell's soup....a joke around an atmospheric/sky program?.....oh and let us not forget mark r posing as 'mark campbell' of the US peace corps, in poland.....and then the scene changed....and i was on the continent, with oscar childhood 'heaven and hell' number....summer holidays in switerland = heaven....back to the UK and school = 'hell'...anyway, in my dream - he was to 'admit all'....i.e. he told me that he had been the 'goat'....grandpa clayton's masonic G.O.A.T.?....we were then supposed to go back to the UK...i was despondent about it....i hated going back to etc then be told that it was all right...i was going to study R.I. at oxbridge...a Phd, no less....remember that korean minister and st john's?...along with nankeville whose first degree had been in chemistry but then he went on to study R.I. at st john's etc etc....the scene then changed to oxford...but not an oxford that i can remember....i was to find the college and meet somebody who reminded me a bit of 'philomena cunk'...who was talking about the pie-els....although that is a false overlay, let us say because it had actually been manningham-buller, in real life....anyway, back to the dream....whilst i was looking at some books....books that disappeared, as soon as she looked at them...she then told me that it was the men's loos, behind where the bookcase had been...and that is where the dream ended.....surreal, eh?

.....and yes, i can remember now - what had really been going was all about my last trip to switzerland in order to meet hanni and most importantly, matthew.....oscar had then drugged me and taken me back to buller etc etc...and so not a 'good' thing, at all.....oh and i can remember a bit more about the actual trip...i had left eagle house, into a taxi...mcgowan had then got in the other side.....petrol nell was on her desk.....leading the operation, let us say....telling mcgowan what to do.....i had to take a pill....and that is why i formerly, couldn't remember that part of the journey, until i woke up on the plane.....but now i can....and so yes, it had been petrol nell who had wanted to know what had been going on....regarding what had happened to me and matthew, all of those years be specific....whilst oscar and sylvia were living at no. 8 central maltings.....after richard 'miri' moore had tried to re-activate quasi-collie's program...i had had something like a had daldry....let me explain by backtracking....moore had been a 'retard' as a child or with 'severe learning disabilities' as we now say...unable to read or write....which is why the school - blackheath all saints....were to move him from the first form to the fourth form, where the kids were more mature....more 'chatty' as one teacher was to put it....because there was no point in him sitting through years of being made to look stupid because he couldn't read or write...nor was he capable of doing any maths.....anyway, we can conclude that he had been brain-damaged in some way...rather like ros (remember her horse-riding accident?)...mark r used to psychologically torture her, in the CIA lab - with that 4 pin plug biznez...along the lines of 'without this in your brain - you will no longer be able to read or write and make so much money for us, by writing best sellers on tap - in order to earn the heroin you crave, to stop the headaches'....however, moore was not tortured and bullied in the same way...he was one of the fortunate brain-damaged kids....made a fuss of....made to feel like a 'genius' after they had put the equivalent of 'google-on-chip' in his head.....and that is why this retarded child had tried to run those like myself and daldry as his 'slaves'...."collie was the same' replies BI online.....yes and so what happens is that these 'retards' or rather 'idiot children' as i have often called them....remember pippa morton as a child?...all thrown into MI6, after having been fitted with etc etc....they then mob you....they attempt to terrorise you with blindness, in order to break your spirit....connect you up to their network and then make you do all of the work for them....after shining a very bright beam into your eye....which is essentially what was done to me, recently....the eye then becomes extremely photo-sensitive....any bright light or light on a reflective surface becomes a darker colour....because the eye is trying to protect itself, to recover....and so i am now in recovery from another attack from those brain-damaged 'chuckie dolls', let us say...'idiot children' who had wanted to ride on my back....desperate retards....who cannot perform unless they have enslaved those who have the abilities and skills that they do not.....remember that MI6 'war cabinet bunker' joke....the meetings that moore, younger, browne 'n' marr used to attend....all they used to do was to get blind drunk....have huge arguments about 'nothing much' was a sort of private comedy soap opera....and the next day...they would stagger back to their the CIA reports sent to them...plagarise them hugely...memorise chunks and then send in their own reports to government....and so in conclusion - all i can say about richard that he had been fitted with a 4 pin-plug so that he was able to read and write....although unlike ros, he was untalented at writing intelligent reports of his own....and that is why he used to heavily plagarise the CIA 'recommendations' let us say....oh and another thing, if only those around him - hadn't massaged his ego so much....or the egos of those like him...we would never have had this terrible situation...where these desperate retarded children...'idiot children' - at the top of any given system, let us say...mobbing and torturing those who 'can' because they can' order to make them do the work, upon a radio-active chip desperate to keep up desperate to 'live the dream' be what they never could ever have been in real life....until tempted into being a sort of muppet show, at the top...."string puppets" replies BI online....oh and there's more - dazzlenation....let's go back to no. 8 central maltings again....i was in bed for 3 the spare room....daldry was passed out upon the sofa in the living room...."for the same amount of time"....oscar and sylvia only had one spare room and they didn't want us to share it....for obvious reasons, i case we tried to do something in order to escape/set memory aids etc etc....anyway, it was matthew and swiss intelligence who could remember....because i had been on his network...and he had been put through the same thing....oscar was to find out via network then tell sylvia that the rest of them should not be allowed to know....because he had been forbidden to have that type of connection, let us say....and so it was younger 'n' moore who were really 'in the dark', by that point in time....and yes, i can remember them showing me that very same animation upon one of their mobile test if my eye sight were coming back...."no harm done, then!" moore had God.....and you wonder why so many of these 'chuckie dolls' have met such terrible ends?...'sewer rats' drowning in the sewers - 'evil will eat itself' etc etc....and it will continue until they are all dead....remember toddy and his fury - regarding those who try to blind etc etc....because they are all in the proverbial 'trashcan', now....awaiting deletion...until there is not one left to abuse....go figure:

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