Wednesday 15 February 2023

 ......and what's new this wednesday evening - dazzlenation?....hmmm...i must ask donna if she's had a look at 'this one'....part of a series....appears to be about drugs and failing that is something that i don't have to worry, hertzfeldt's ideas upon his writing process - make sense to me....more just have to let in the whole clump and then pick out the bits that you want to accentuate, leave out...reshape, remodel etc etc so that it becomes a bit like writing a letter...a somewhat forgotten art, since the event of email...anyway, there is something romantic....wistful...nostalgic about letters, isn't there?...tinged with melancholy, in a way...a bit like an old photo...but that is the 'sunbeam' effect, i suppose...the dark side of love...the chiaroscuro of the cartoon....what hides in the shadows....what is unknown that must be brought to light in order to make sense of etc etc and heal....anyway, i love hertzfeldt's approach.....reminds me of jarman, in a is a self-healing process...physician cure thyself etc etc.....go figure:

Dazzlenation (


oh and if i were to go 'graphic' about the following, know what i'm going to say, don't you?....remember 'big fruit' programming?....additionally, remember that old, gnarled apple tree....along with all of those rotten, fly-infested apples strewn upon that entropic environment of broken up concrete and crumbling walls....hmmm....and the wyss had wanted to take away a few apples that had fallen near to the then be told 'no' by that 'cling-on'....more is grotesque as a metaphor but let me just say this...that old 'brave new world' soviet apple tree...along with the 'fallen fruit'....and yes, a frequency program was being set, at the time...anyway, it all has to be talked about or else nothing will ever be 'okay' - will it?....hmmm....and hanni and that 'cling-on' were shewing us away from the find a way of escape, perhaps?...that didn't include getting run over, eh mcgowan etc etc...or perhaps, they simply hadn't wanted us to remember - that whole grotesque metaphor....something around a demonic version of the garden of eden?....go figure:

anyway, i can remember presenting an image of a cane-toad-on-mango, to mark r - in relation to summing up etc etc...he fell back in his chair, laughing etc etc...and yes, we'd been on the topic of 'crappy' etc etc at the it goes, eh?

oh and remember that young jooish man, at the MI imperial hotel, jaffa gate - jerusalem....who had left rotting, fly-ridden fruit - all around his bedroom...nota bene, the room next to d'ajani and his staff, were appalled....upon opening the door to be hit in the face by swarms of insects etc d'ajani was to tell me later on, that he had only let him stay on because his family were a very wealthy, well-to-do number, in south america....but now? could he have slept in there etc etc...they turned him out.....anyway, in retrospect - one wonders what that young man had seen...what he had been put through etc it goes, eh?

...postscript to 'all of that'....'mr coogan' disappeared....flat 1 is now being 'cleaned out'....the other day, several men were standing outside....a CHP van and a truck...they were discussing how to clean it out...firstly discard the rubbish....throwing it out of the window might be quickest etc etc...and what about the sodden carpet?....remember how that flat had flooded....looks like somebody's taken the lot out and dumped it into belle court bins room, for the time being.....anyway, i had a peek inside the front door as i passed by - down the corridor, seeing as they had left it open...and this was before they had begun that massive cleaning operation and it was know the sort of thing...a bit like a 'hoarder', i suppose....and yes, i know what 'mr coogan' had been all about...part of tomlinson's demonic program....his replacement upon the system...his 'mathematician'....see previous notes upon 'all of that'....go figure.

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