Monday, 4 October 2021

 .....and what's new this monday evening - dazzlenation?...a curious reply...appears to be a 'royal' one....regarding the following article upon yahoo news today....oh and something around 'archer' too - regarding his latest novel....anyway, seeing as the following appears to be about 'suicide'...."a M*A*S*H number" replies BI online....i am not going to attempt to decipher the following cartoon, any further....go figure:

Dazzlenation (

Former head of the Royal Marines found dead aged 54 (

and then it is a hop, skip and a jump through the following urls...

Robert Magowan - Wikipedia

Robert Neller - Wikipedia

Army–Navy Game - Wikipedia the 'army navy match':

Army Navy Match - Wikipedia

....and the champions of the field, appear to be the army, most of the time.....hmmm....not exactly fair - regarding the navy....who has the time and more importantly the space.... to practice football on deck, unless the ship is so big that etc etc...."aircraft carrier"...but even so, well you know what i mean....anyway, i would guess that table-tennis.....'ping-pong' would be more of a level-playing-field.......and what else?....omg look at that helmet....go figure.

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