Monday, 4 October 2021

 .....and what's in the news, dazzlenation?....let me'aggressive behaviour'.....does evans-in-chechnya, breezing through his 'humpty dumpty' at cyclemart - come under that bracket?...."no" replies BI online...i thought highly classified as to be 'untrue', let us say...pathetic, isn't it - dazzlenation?....ukrainian/old-style-soviet gangs, abound and yet we are all led up the garden path, regarding media outlets and their output etc etc...whilst those within 'intelligence' and internationally - i might add, wrangle about who is 'top dog' as well did all of the money go, upon the 'dark web' etc'd have to be good at work it out....go figure:

 National Cyber Force to be based in Samlesbury - BBC News

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