....and what else is new this tuesday morning, dazzlenation?...well, i was shocked when i saw the state of belle court bins room, earlier on - this morning....had somebody else moved out, i wondered....see previous notes upon the 'pile-up' every time somebody does etc etc....anyway, after having looked through my photos....i was then to wonder....is this all about andrew marr/lamp-post/jonah-and-the-whale programming?.....see previous post....additionally, i had spotted a 'mouse' number, attached to the light-upon-the-back-wall...but hadn't spotted what appears to be some sort of black-bin-bag 'pig's head' to the left, balanced upon a grey pipe....lol....what is this all about then, dazzlenation?....you decide....go figure:
oh and belle court bins room, was just as bad - dazzlenation....anyway, this is all about the mossad...and they don't want to leave, according to BI online...just sitting on their hands...furious as can be...because they haven't been allowed to 'bounce flamingo balls', let us say....and they would count myself as 'one of those'..."girl child alters" replies BI online...."just waiting for the chance"....which they will not get...i'll bounce the lot of them, if i have any more trouble etc etc....more laughter....er....what i had meant to say is that the programs already in place and about to kick in, will do the job....and that is because i am sick and tired of having to defend myself against the 'indefensible' i.e. the cannibal/paedophile cult....you would have thought that those like sharon would be more sensible - wouldn't you?....but then, it is unlikely that he is in charge of this latest psychopathic 'idiocy', eh - dazzlenation?...and this is all about the sephardim and the 'golden shield' isn't it - see previous notes upon 'all of that'...anyway, more radio files for this morning - marines:
"and you can find the (computer) tree at the local police station" replies BI online....and that would be an SAS number, would it?....judging by what was 'left outside' of cage 4....and yes, i had been wondering why so many of the lights-were-on and the blinds, open - earlier on this morning...normally they are closed/no-lights-on etc etc at whatever time of day, you happen to pass by....which is what probably adds fuel to the following scenario...along the lines that it gives the locals, the idea that 'no policing' really goes on, in this area etc etc...and they are quite vociferous about 'that number', i might add....heard it so many times over 10 years or more...."the police do nothing" replies BI online....exactly what i've heard, over and over again....and from all walks of life....but then, if you look at what the police face, nowadays.....let me put it this way - when i was growing up - look at what they had had to deal with, in terms of etc etc etc during the 60s/70s/80s...no wonder, they can't cope.....so much 'criminality' going on....take st bernards road, for example....how many children/adults still buried-in-the-back-gardens etc etc and no investigation, whatsoever...."blind eye" replies BI online....well, they have to - don't they?...when MI5/rimington/dearlove/scarlett slap them around the proverbial face with the equivalent of a D notice or worse etc etc..."national security"...oh and look at what had happened in totnes, during that satanic holliday family/heroin turf horrorshow...all investigations had been halted, indefinitely...the police had not been allowed to carry on with their enquiries etc etc and the big point here, is that none of it threatened 'national security' at all - did it?.....what it had threatened was the whole ill cult MK 'monarchy' horrorshow, of cannibal/paedophile/zygote slavery abuse..."at the hands of class A drug addicts".....go figure:
and so what are the SAS saying, dazzlenation?...that there is a quite a bit of a 'mess' outside of their symbolic 'cage' and one that they are about to clear up?....lol......it might be a long time, coming....but it is certainly welcome, let us say....see previous notes upon evans' humpty-dumpty network control of their castle base etc etc...as it goes, eh?
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