Sunday, 3 October 2021

 ....and what else, dazzlenation?..."what's the number?" replies BI online...well, quite an extortionate price 'number' if the items in question had not been a 'fairtrade' number, let us say....bought from a certain kiosk to the left of clacton pier bridge...and so i'd better to 'cryptic' about the following.....898 - plane coming down?

Home - History & Heraldry (

anyway, in true 'wizard of oz' tradition...the reeves desk had told me to look out for 'lions and tigers' will eventually lead us to 'the wizard of oz'...let me guess....obama or biden?....anyway, let me backtrack now, to what 'crappy' had told me about 'bamboo'......which is what that children's dish 'n' cutlery had been all is durable and it doesn't retain harmful micro-bacteria - look at plastic cutting boards, for example.....bamboo cutting boards, in the kitchen - are far more bamboo....even if the price is more expensive....the products tend to last longer than plastic ones etc etc....oh and i'm not clear as to whether ''history and heraldry' is a 'fairtrade' sort of number....why not 'get on to them' about it all, dazzlenation?...because when one pays that price for 'bamboo'....according to crappy....bamboo products-in-the-east sell for almost 'nothing' compared to western prices for etc needs to know that the western 'seller' is 'giving back' let us say...rather like 'fairtrade' purports to do....go figure.

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