Monday, 4 October 2021

 ....and from hokey pokey to hocus pocus, dazzlenation....and yes, i can remember now...jade laing's idea had involved 'hokey pokey' let us say....see previous posts....go figure:

Hocus-pocus - Wikipedia

hax pax max.....something around mark r as max....although it has to be said that initially, he had identified as 'lara' hulbrusch's 'max'....remember their BBC 'raw library' flying circus 'space' event?

additionally, remember what eliza manningham-buller used to get up to at templar castle events?....ha-ru-spex, anybody?.....mark r as 'max'...."we are the spex...the speccies" etc etc....go figure:

Haruspex - Wikipedia

and yes, the above somewhat reminds me of laing's 'magical' tampon boxes....weird symbols, all over the shop etc etc....oh and remember that 'eat the heart of the rabbi' number, dazzlenation?

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