Wednesday, 22 November 2017,-0.6845384,3a,30y,135.53h,89.27t/data=!3m6!1e1!3m4!1sJSa5ROGSGDOnWdIwAApSGQ!2e0!7i13312!8i6656?dcr=0

...even though the accident was supposed to have happened in Australia...I will take this rockingham road island location, as an example...Sonia had seen something to her left...which had momentarily phased her...shocked her so much that...the next thing, she knew - they were on the island and the vehicle was a write-off....go figure:

it could have been anything, really...depends upon what a slave has been programmed to what will trigger them....even that 'soft wash' sign in the distance, for example...see previous notes upon 'Microsoft windows' programming:

omg...that looks rather like the car that mark vizard used to drive, in Poland - coincidence, of course....go figure:

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