Thursday 30 November 2017

...i was to watch THE BEST BAD THING along with that 'woody allen' realise that the latter, had been used to program prince harry with...regarding his 'love-at-first-sight' number, with meghan...."plus the vegas tapes" replies MI5 ONLINE...oh and so a hint of blackmail, too?..."more than a hint"...and yes, i had been picking up on that 'brenda' reference - in relation to the 'mother '- regarding who had got the film made and why..."an anti-trump number"...precisely that...i hate to take sides but one has to say that the 'extremity' of the rockefeller side-of-things, is far worse than the rothschilds - who have made changes to their stance but the rockefellers appear to be on the 'same old number' i.e. in terms of the zygote slavery trade....the rowling cult...incest... cannibalism...paedophilia etc etc....."controlled by japanese intelligence and a certain sect in northern iran"....replies BI ONLINE....well, that would make sense but it doesn't excuse the rockefellers in any way, does it?...they are still 'just as dangerous' if not more so - in view of that knowledge...."most of them are total robots"...go figure.

"they are the emotions - to our thinking ability" replies the rothschild camp....."they have little or no ability to think"...regarding their confrontation with the rockefeller camp....and so at the top of this 'computerised pyramid'...we have two sides....and one is unable to think, 99% of the time...what sick experiment, is going on here, then - eh?...."a SIS experiment which has gone horribly wrong"....go figure.

...and what else? well, let's move onto THE BEST BAD THING which MI5 et al, had watched so many years ago now...and 'somebody' had 'left it out' for me to pick up, the other see if i had any thoughts upon it...and so what can i say?...but that the dvd/video had been used by 'so many' down the decades...and each set of mind control programmers....were to use it 'for their own reasons'....therefore all i can tell you, is that it had been used in shanghai 2003....CF had been programmed with one of the trailer films advertised.....and that the dartington 'animal farm mob' had been using it for mossad 'pregnant man society' reasons...."cut off his cucumber"....go figure.

additionally, CF might like to have a look at the resemblance of the cucumbers in the film, to courgettes...."we are the core-jets, helen!" inga was to tell her ingabot.....remember, in italian/american...the courgette is a ZUCCHINI....ZOO-KEY-NI/KNEE....knees up, mother brown - in your red kilt?...go figure.

and what else?....well, gill - you were to tell me NOT to use any other card...other than the ORANGE TOP-UP card, today...whilst signalling 'MR ORANGE' at the sainsbury's fast-tills, this morning...and yes 'mr orange/mossad' was to stand by me, putting his shopping through - as i did mine....a bit of a 'ricci le gran', eh?......and so i waved that 'orange-top-up-card' around like billy-O....go figure.

....and yes, it had been a 'spot-the-mossad' around and about, town - today....remember that islamic/jooish sephardic looking guide, in the old city of jerusalem?...and well, a man looking very like him...was to pass me by, whilst i was nearing station then open his eyes and if he had just 'woken up' and recognised me again....he had a slight beard, greying hair....go figure.

additionally, it was a 'saudi' day, today....because having scanned for further information...i was then to remember having given sharon, a certain 'initial idea' whilst in israel ...something that was then 'used' - regarding the whole 'harry and meghan' number (although i had no part in 'that one', needless to say) was simply that i had written the part of 'harry potter' modelled upon martin gill - who preferred 'women-of-afro-caribbean-descent-in-a-king-solomon-meets-his-queen-of-sheba-fantasy' as a young man....king solomon was supposed to be the greatest magician, that had ever lived - and we are talking about a magician's cult, here - the whole masonic caboodle of 'mind control and drugging' - as well as the extreme abuse i.e. torture/mind control programming....for the whole pyramid - to then 'act on triggers' etc etc "because the top of the pyramid died out a long time ago and all that was left was 'total robots' at the top" replies BI ONLINE....which pretty much sums it all up....'work it out' if you are reading this blog and have the brains left, to do so....go figure.

...let us go back to 'sharon-in-israel'....i was to tell him about 'the original script of the harry potter series' that i had written, decades ago.....along with almost, the whole plot of the storyline...the books, that eliza manningham-buller had then modified....."with her team of editors" replies MI5 ONLINE..."so the real 'harry potter' script is now working out" replies GCHQ....yes, precisely that....go figure.

...and what is more...i was to realise that sharon had been the one, who had wanted to access my blogger acccount 'in corby'...but the saudis had warned him not to...."it would be far too dangerous for you to be in, there..." etc etc...pretending to be her 'concerned husband' etc etc....see previous notes upon 'the bride shooting from the...' etc etc...and so what were the saudis and sharon up to, then?...all i can say, so far - is that i had warned sharon NOT to be part of the mossad, at this point in move away....and into the saudi camp....venn diagrams within venn diagrams....because they all overlap, don't they?....see previous notes upon mark r's islamic arabic/jooish mossad....go figure.

...and what else?....well, this morning - at just before 9am...i was to spot....the man-who-had-threatened-me-upon-the-networks.....a 'green man' let us say...i had already seen him 'in a nightmare' last night - as a real threat to not only myself but to pentagon networks....anyway, somebody - who was to make his way, into the back of magnet house....looking a bit like mark r's mossad - wearing a green hood and white trousers....go figure.

....and what else?...well, last night - i was to wonder why that 'last house' upon ellis road, as it borders upon rosemary road west (the house that i had noted - for having 'scarlett's really old black car - in the garage - with those voluminous headlights etc etc...cross-reference with the time-period involved in THE BEST BAD THING)....had a groundfloor, living room window...light up with dark blue luminous light....the 'dark blue luminous light' was of a certain shape, let us say....and i had no idea, 'why' at the time....but this morning, i have a much better idea...a 'star trek enterprise' number....go pictures.

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