Wednesday, 22 November 2017

...and what page is dazzlenation on, this morning?...hmmm...the PI(E) values....meat, aluminium....oh I see - all about that explosion-in-the-burnt-house...MI5 were to check it out and say that they had been told that it was just a boiler and nothing to worry about...and so they went back to sitting on their hands - as they normally do....see previous notes...although I don't suppose that BI is going to be doing that for much longer...not after the pentagon became involved...regarding 'one of theirs' sent mad in the Indonesian jungle....see previous notes upon rear admiral losey and braindead MI6 pippa 'chuckie-doll'....and yes, I 'get' the whole scenario, now....lisa had been warning her son - 'how it would end'...with prince Philip coming down hard on prince Charles, on put an end to this terrible 'in-fighting' at the top....which had begun with rimington, scarlett and powergen 1980 - the MI5 Russian course and Tomlinson's 'golden chain'...see previous notes....go figure:

...and yes, let's just say that the repercussions will not be 'good' if there are still those within BI..."and the foreign office" replies MI5...those who wish to continue to sit upon their hands...because MI5 had missed a golden opportunity to round up Tomlinson's satanic paedophile/cannibal cult (which if it isn't stopped - will result in 'pregnant man society')....along with his terrorist cell network, in turkey, so many years ago - now...see previous posts upon that IP address....go figure:


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