Wednesday 29 November 2017

oh and I can now unpack this gif, a little better...having remembered those 'curtains' in that bedsit in Ipswich - 2001...see previous notes upon what Tomlinson and bobby's mob had done to me....

...CID McGowan was supposed to be 'looking after me' at the time....after I had come back from NY, that is....and of course I was willing to talk about a lot of things...."one of the few who were" replies MI5 was simply that I couldn't remember, a thing - that point of  time...

...those curtains....remember captain gyde aka MI5 scott mackay - the Glaswegian son of drapers...and the Scottish team at MI5?....go figure:

...and since that time....well, the ill cult have continuously told all and sundry...anybody who would listen, really...that I am 'delusional' and that I have never ever worked for british intelligence or any other service...and so how long can they maintain that lie, MI5?...when am I going to be repaid what has been stolen from me etc etc...see previous notes...go figure.

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