Friday, 22 July 2016

oh i remember now...SECRET AGENT...and it goes like this...

CF telling me that they might program him as VERLOC and me as the simpleton STEVIE...

the BBC adaptation of the story...had been one of MI6 JOHN's projects (i can remember suggesting an experimental editing ploy to make it 'edgy' i.e. the speeding up and then slowing down of the tape - with stills cut out)...

anyway, MI6 JOHN (seen in the back of travelodge, yesterday evening?) was to tell me to work it out it was too late...i was to reply that it had to be 'bob'....bob who had been on peter bruff ward 2009....bob who had organised the 'nazi caterpillar' arrangement of the seating, in the dining room....bob who had had a garage/shed...a bit of a professor branestorm....until whatever he was up to..had got dangerous..."they took it all away from me"...the shed and its contents....

bob looks just like the professor/lab technician in SECRET AGENT...apart from the fact that his hair is white and short at the sides...bald on top.

now i have seen bob around and about clacton....since 2009...i cannot remember the last time that i saw him...probably a few months back now...and i didn't say hello...bob didn't appear to recognise me either...i think that it had been on the high street but i cannot be sure...

anyway, if i see bob again...i will not go up and say then ask him if he has another garage/shed...or he might decide to blow me up....go figure...i am NOT going to be part of any of this...whatever stupidity is 'going down'....

and having had a look at the above 'still'....MI6 JOHN might well have suspected that he had been programmed with the part of 'Russian spymaster' to the left...go figure...

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