Saturday, 23 July 2016

lines, had wanted to know about 'badly drawn lines' in relation to the title of that animation, upon your blog - yesterday...

well, a few days ago, now....i was to remember a music student at dartington...who had very long and straight, dyed hair....she looked more like a drama/art student in terms of her appearance...she was tallish, slim and walked elegantly..."a bit like a flamingo" replies MI5 ONLINE exactly that...she was a bit of a 'flamingo' wasn't she? however she didn't wear pink....and she used to bleach her hair white (she had brown eyes, as far as i can remember and a mediterranean complexion)....and she used to add 'greenish/blue streaks' to her long white hair...anyway, she was against the heroin cult up at dartington - and according to hughes and laing...she had once described herself as a 'ghost'...all i can remember about her is that she had once described herself as a 'sea mist'...the sea mist that protects the phosphorus painted 'drummer boy' of the royal arch freemasonry RA cult...or not, as the case maybe...go figure.

anyway, there were quite a few young women 'around and about' clacton - this morning, with the same 'dyed white' hair with greenish/blue or bluish/green streaks in it...go figure...a bit of a trend, then?

....the SEA MIST, marines...i would guess that this is one, for you - to work out...

oh and there's more....M&S lotions....a SEA MIST variety...and within ingredients...there is something called COUMARIN...and i know that you had wanted to use 'that' for something...

what else? nota bene the CARBOMER ingredient in all three M&S lotions...i wouldn't like to think what scarlett's mob - or anybody else's...might have done with 'that one'...whilst programming...go figure...what is 'carbomer' anyway?


what else? gill had been programmed with a certain yellowish 'WINDSPIN' boat (was that the correct title - the camera malfunctioned) - located by the boathouse/RNLI relation to scarlett programming gill (and/or his network) to attack me today, in terms of a 'glassing/beating with a branch'....

anyway, a polish intelligence man was to walk by - see previous notes upon 'who got left behind by grieszek'...with a broken bottle and large stick....luckily i was wearing kate holliday's 'mind control' blue/white striped hat (which apparently symbolises scarlett and little colin was most put out, that i was wearing it today - on his 'sooty and sweep' line)...anyway, wearing that hat, put paid to 'any of that' happening...go figure. Isn't it all so insane but also 'deadly'?


what else? well 'percy' was outside of THE OLIVE TREE again...we were to have a chat...he was to talk about 'munich' and that terrible news...he was to tell me that he had known the german military, police and 'plainclothes' very well indeed...."very bad" he said gravely....he then scanned me to see what i might know...well, unfortunately - my first language as in the one that i had learnt 'best' before english....had been french...and so he was to 'draw a blank'...and not a 'gated response' let us say....

and so all i can say to relation to those who 'know about this sort of thing' "send along a sonia fisher"...who had not only learned german 'on this side of the mirror'...but had also learned it at a german automobile company in INGOLSTADT 1995...after which, she could itemise in german, every single part of a car...and strip it down to its chassis..and more than that...she was to add...go figure.


everything else 'in pictures'....

and oh...'voice of evil incarnate' dazzlenation? i had always known that it was 'banal'...a bit like photographing uncle bobby driving down ellis road...and recording his 'transmissions'.

...a bit like photographing a blue car, this morning....driving down ellis road...

the driver and car were causing a massive 'disturbance' in relation to the marines' networks....let us just say that....a 'disturbance' and in terms of all sorts of things...i wonder why? because that sort of thing is 'illegal' in this counteracts all 'security forces' legislation....

"a member of the RA CULT" replies MI5 ONLINE...who knows exactly what equipment had been used...

....of course...the police and the RA CULT...the two used to go 'hand in hand' in relation to the west midlands police force, until a massive inquiry was launched, in the 70s....go figure.

anyway, i was to watch that blue car, reverse into the police station's 'exit point' in front of their carpark gate....the gate from which police cars race out, at speed, given an 'emergency call'....takes some nerve to reverse there, eh?

to then park in their unofficial 'reserved area' along the police station, upon ellis road...

i had thought at first - the driver has some 'biznez' there and then i thought 'ill cult biznez' there - i.e. a 'pass' to get in...go figure....

the marines had been unable for 'whatever reason' to pick up on what 'the driver of that blue car' had been up to...go figure....a bit of a 'ghost' then, eh?

remember, john scarlett is no longer a paid-up member of british intelligence...he is running a paramilitary from the dome - if you 'get' that - then you will 'get' everything.

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