Thursday, 28 April 2016

...this morning, i was to get up early and go for a walk (just before 8am)...the sun was shining and the sea mists were clearing....i was to walk up west then spot a largish tree, to my right (behind that NHS building)...the tree was just behind a fence....and it had had its upper branches chopped off (perhaps that is why i hadn't bothered to notice the trunk before? hidden by leaves etc?) had a very pale bark...i was was to remind me slightly of those 'dead white trees in the desert' and that COACHELLA festival...see previous notes upon what used to happen to those who had dared to teach english in spain, so many years ago now "at the hands of the spanish monarchy" replies MI5 ONLINE...according to lisa smith and i do not doubt her word...."all true"....

anyway, i walked alongside that NHS building and up to the fence, have a closer look at that tree...and that is when i was to see the GREY metal staircase to my left - leading up to the back of that NHS building....

i was then to remember the following....mcgowan had attempted to electrocute both gill and myself 'so many years ago now'...whilst about to walk up that staircase....remember - rimington had been 'drowned in the bath' within that NHS building - the upper windows of which - overlook that fence...before being 'tortured' she had looked into that garden...rimington had seen what was in that garden and relayed it on...go figure...whatever was 'in that garden' was important - had to be, hadn't it? but what was it?

i decided to go up the grey metal staircase....but having remembered mcgowan with jump-leads etc...i was to decide that 'only a couple of steps' was never know - this time around - within this 13th one ill cult game - for example - the 'electrocution equipment' might be hidden...and besides....BI ONLINE had told me that 'whoever' only switched it on at around 8am...and it was 7.45am in the morning...

anyway, BI had figured that the metal staircase was usually 'electrified'...but not at the time that i was to 'brave' a couple of stairs, so early in the morning...go figure.

i cannot believe that the above is true...but there again - you never know - do you?

what else? having taken a pic - to then view it upon gill's laptop....victoria beckham's desk was to screech with rage....and condemnation....apparently petrol nell had taken a much better shot of that garden....yes, she had walked up those metal steps (they were not electrified at the time) and then, having seen mcgowan coming up, behind her - on the ground....and towards the stairs...she had 'realised' something...and it was to do with 'birdcalls' and the 'masons'...she began to whistle 'like a bird'...and that was the first step, bringing mcgowan to his knees...go figure...."and most of the police force behind him" replies MI6 ONLINE...okay, so this is really important to remember - isn't it? i knew that it was...why else would it turn up so late in a 13th one ill cult game?

so what was it about that garden? mcgowan had figured that it wasn't 'so much' about the statues/sculpture in the garden...but about the scarlett's doghouse clue in terms of 'shit colour'...the chairs and the windows...go figure.

anybody broken that 'dog-shit-coloured window' yet?

i am not see the 'other thing' that came up today...was little colin managing to break one of my family's french windows at 2 st austell road (in the 60s) a fit of rage...he must have been about 6 years old or less....breaking the french symbolic, eh? daldry was to laugh and did quite a few others at BI...having seen the footage....toddy's cam...his personal cctv upon our family...during the 60s....and you had thought that '1984' surveillance wasn't available in the 60s? not to the general public, that is for sure...but my family have always been something of a 'show' haven't they?...for whatever reasons and/or motives and for very questionable ones, i might add....see previous notes.....

oh and before i forget...nigella lawson had spent 'some time' in that house...the one that owns the garden...and the sculpture/statues in the many years ago now...go figure. "she couldn't remember anything about her time, there - only the house - she could vaguely remember going there" replies BI ONLINE...."it was vaguely familiar to her...." - along the lines of? 'yes, i was there - i can remember that...' but nothing more....go figure.

what else? well i was to take a pic of a metallic, circular object...washed up on what i now tend to call 'echo beach'....see previous notes...the rust....and those wonderful 'effects' given to it by the brine and the canon camera didn't pick up the lovely 'deep sea green' effect....go figure.

...and what else? well, i was to espy a 'locked green door' upon clacton seafront...which was to remind me somewhat of that 'locked green fairy gate' jewellry...go figure....a master lock? i am now beginning to 'get' what the masons had been programmed with - in relation to bobby's mob...and yes the 'masters of lodges' had been taken to stand in front of that 'green door' to then be electrocuted upon the nape of the neck by bobby's mob...go figure.

"have you got the keys?" "no, i wouldn't bother"...."get them...." etc etc....

what else? continuing the MCGOWAN theme, set early on, this morning...see previous notes upon that 'forbidden garden' and the electrified grey staircase...and the 'birdcalls'.....oh and having thought about it, for a bit - i know realise that it was scarlett breezing through petrol nell...who had 'understood' that if he hit upon the right 'birdcall signal' that mcgowan would 'kowtow' to his every command...which is basically what then happened...but to all intents and purposes, it was petrol nell - whistling upon those grey metal steps...go figure....

scarlett obtaining control of the masons again....and his first 'port of call' had been the police....scarlett's police...the 'specials'...the 'intrepids' name it..."and then the whole lot of them - as a combined and extended network" replies MI5 ONLINE...who can now see the whole 'spreadsheet' as it were...."the constellation" MOD reference....okay, so the MOD/MI5 now know what scarlett had been up to....that much is clear.

...what else? a 'joke' on the system...from 'rimington'....a 'black flak jacket/pinafore' dress on sale today at M&S...remember 'little colin' as 'raisa' (and far more importantly - his role as a 'cop' in a black flakjacket - in whateveritwas - see previous notes)...."I'M THE PRETTIEST OF THEM ALL" etc etc...."girl child alters" replies MI6 ONLINE.....

well, how could i resist....'birthday money' from my mother (despite being on benefits i can afford little luxuries)....go figure. Size 18? well i do not like 'clingy things' as a rule - never have done....and i had simply wanted a 'wear anything under it' black pinny dress (teeshirts, jumpers etc)....go figure. As i have always said...'jump at the chance' when you see something that is 'precisely what you want'...or 'almost'....because otherwise etc many years have gone by and the 'pinny' has not emerged as the 'latest fashion' or even 'something in any of the shops' nowdays, eh? i am so old-fashioned...there are not many like me...although lisa smith had been a close-runner...go figure.

....and you might can you be 'old-fashioned' at 53? i have no depends upon how you 'gauge' things, doesn't it?

"who you are and how old you are" replies MI5 ONLINE.

"we all fashion ourselves according to different points..." that is so true....i entirely agree with you.

oh i see...what you are getting at now...not petrol nell but 'posh spice' and her 'compass points'....go beckham's spanish studio but using russian intelligence codes, at the time....go figure.

so beckham's desk had 'hacked the whole lot' and had agreed to 'do the same' in the UK and order to continue the monarchy/mkultra cult....david beckham is 'not a nice man' is he?

"no, he's a total robot....genetic robot - ashkenazim" replies BI ONLINE.

it must be so hard, for love...but upon the other hand, you know that.....etc etc see previous notes.....when will this all end?

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