Friday, 1 April 2016

...anyway, I suppose that the best idea is simply to ring them up and cancel that appointment...I don't need to put it in writing...or do I?

isn't it odd that the email address upon that letter - doesn't work?

let me see...perhaps it would be a good idea to send an email to

I might as well send them the following - and then see what happens:

Dear Dr R Whitney FCR director of screening, Chelmsford & Colchester breast screening service

I received your letter on the 1st of april 2016 (see attachment) and my reply is that I will not be attending the appointment made for me, on Tuesday 26th april 2016 at 9.45am and I do not want another time or day.

Additionally, I do not want any further appointments to be made - without consulting me first. If I wish to make an appointment I will do so of my own free will.

kind regards

NHS number: 480 802 9707
Emily Gyde flat 2, belle court, ellis road, Clacton on sea, CO15 1FH

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