Tuesday 20 January 2015


...and so what had 'janina' as a remoteviewer - and at 17 years' old, found out? to then tell her 'goth group' of friends....they had all been sworn to secrecy but naturally the ill were to find out....

janina had 'watched' the birth of 'blood transfusions' and on historical battlefields....

....need I say more?

you can 'get lost' in mystical interpretations of 'sacred geometry' and all of the rest of it...but often - there is one single 'beating heart' to it all....a beating heart, and the blood pounding around the human body.....

...and then you have the 'terrible beauty' of those cathedrals....the ceilings....where interpretations of what remoteviewers had seen...in terms of 'human body cell life' etc....although I was to note that in one cathedral in particular...the ceiling was composed of SICKLE CELLS...the patron of the architect had been 'very ill' at the time....

the CIA LAB were then to go further, having found the above out...to realise that a lot of cathedrals - had patrons - who wanted their 'disease' cured....their 'cellular disease'....and remoteviewers were to identify their 'demon'...their 'disease'....in pattern form...to then be put upon the ceilings of those cathedrals....

in short, the extremely wealthy - were using the peasantry 'under mind control' to create these wondrous cathedrals....in order to show their 'wounds' to God and hoping that he would cure them....go figure - the alarming lack of logic, bothers me in many ways.

....and you wonder how and why - so many people went up those ladders...to create those 'wonderful' stone and glass images....didn't anybody have a fear of heights?....and the answer is 'no'....in those days..."the masters, the slave-drivers, owned many slaves from the peasantry - who were not paid for their extraordinary work upon those buildings...." states MI5 ONLINE....capaldi then added an 'aside' to toby but then decided to withdraw it....why? I do not know...all I know is that he was referring to the 'varro type' who was featured in that 'janina' documentary - the bloke in charge of replacing stuff.....go figure.

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