Monday 26 January 2015

is that supposed to be gill 'tapping' to see if 'anything is there'?...and yes, I forgot to mention that I was also to buy a pink sheet 'on sale' - at Sainsbury's recently....which is now on my bed....

and the other day I was to buy another sheet...a light blue one...makes sense really because they show 'wear and tear' far less than white sheets...

let me see...the GAF coded in as the pink and the light blue? "who's the girly then?" replies BI ONLINE...well obviously gill....

'wear and tear'....the replacement 'tracey' kept on repeating that as she looked at the white wall paint flaking off in various areas of my flat...notably behind the main radiator in my living donna had known something about the pair of them in 'inspection mode'...something 'deadly' again....'wear and tear' of the wall behind that radiator meant "wearing the plumbing down/wearing your guts out"..."the blood and the guts" program....why a flaky wall should signify that instead of a failing boiler/radiator...I have no idea...
...and that reminds me...the water is getting low in the boiler tank again...the arrow is nearing the 'black spot' on the dial again...almost on it...

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