Friday 9 January 2015

...the metaphor is terrible...I remember now...'raising them up'...from a vegetative state to something that mimicked a 'human consciousness' one....the veggies were raised up on boards...whilst regaining consciousness....again, the st john cult...and yes - at apethorpe....

raising them up from the 2d to the 3d....using silicone chips to do it...

the veggies had been rechipped...and the MKULTRA programmers around had wired them up to a machine at the end...without the chips they were 'as above'...once the chips had been activated...they regained the power of speech and movement...
"a miracle of science" as one of the controllers of the operation, was to joke...
slowly the chips kicked was rather like watching ''being john malkovich' the network hub programs kicked in and started to move the 'bodies' around...what is worst of all - the network hub 'drivers' were talking to each other and not using the names of the 'bodies' that they were inhabiting and manipulating, at the was rather like watching a case of 'hi-tech possession'....really, really sinister....
the 'drivers' were top slave-drivers...who were adding new slaves to their networks....and now I know why this image, was to go up on lolcats, this morning...for the first time - we were seeing who was behind it all...the 'drivers' were to show themselves....

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