Monday 31 December 2012

i can remember gill being deliriously happy about the coding out of this scene...if only i could remember why....

suffice to say - SP were to tell me 'you're the young woman' as in the woman who is trying to save her kids from 'bagley'....well up to a point...i had given them as much as possible on bagley and tomlinson's child-trafficking operation but obviously i have no kids of my own....

secondly gill was to point out the 'prague rothschild stained glass' of the front door...number 64....that cia 'freedom train' which throws you off - murders you before 64 years old....

and then that photo of the kids....tell me, it cannot be possible can it....but a 'little bird' has just told me.....joanna's real family...he is one of the little boys....and that the name ANTHONY FLANAGAN is a clue....yes i can remember her real family  being of Irish descent...was their surname Flanagan?

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