Monday 5 December 2016,-0.1150708,3a,30y,103.95h,98.71t/data=!3m6!1e1!3m4!1sMr5CNmN8aTsAAAQvOzxekg!2e0!7i13312!8i6656

and what was it about GOOSEBUMPS, Robert? I remember...we were taken in there by that CIA farmers' meet up with ROBERT E SMITH....of THE CURE...or somebody who was made-up to look just like him...and he was to identify as Robert e smith...anyway, that is where we were to be drugged...the type of drug that closes down one side of the brain....Robert webb completely lost it at that point and tried to get away....CF was to whisper to me that the drug could cause brain damage and so he was to hand me another type of pill....which I pretended to swallow because of course, I didn't trust him one bit....they found out...they then tried to force me to take it and I turned on that 'pentagon special'...CF was to shout to the others in alarm "stop it! or we'll all kill each other!"...and so they then walk out, rather sheepishly....Robert and I, followed...

oh and I think that you need to know the following, gill - or at least, a reminder....I had been supposed to have been 'undercover' whilst being run by the pentagon, at the above point in time....although I was to break cover after CF..."and the rest of them" replies MI5 ONLINE.... had tried to force me to take that pill....the pentagon were to surmise the following...that CF had forced my whispering to ezra that this would be an easy way to kill me off...sarah holliday had figured that CF's pill...was something that she was to call a 'zombie pill'....CF knew that if I was made to drink alcohol after taking the pill....that the combination would destroy my liver and kidneys....he was to whisper to ezra that this would be a way of getting rid of me...and then - seeing as he didn't need gill anymore "because I've got you"...he would then attempt to murder gill....because he was now cured of cancer and therefore didn't need either gill or myself, by that point in time...go figure.

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