....and what's new this thursday evening, dazzlenation?...well, i can remember offending 'marcus' at bullard's bastille flat - all of those years ago now....he stormed out - after i had said "beware of the greek bearing presents"...after bawling at me "how did you KNOW?"...lol...i hadn't done...."he'll get over it" bullard had replied, afterwards....anyway, a bit more digging was to reveal the following location....which 'marcus' had once said looked rather like the 'sphinx'....yes, really....more laughter....go figure:
oh and off on a tangent now to a certain computer arrangement, let us say....which isn't going to work.....nicknamed 'bananas'....anagrams of 'bananas' anybody?.....lol.....remember that PG tips number?....the printout is along those lines...a bit like a screeching ape....and yes, that arc de triomphe number hadn't been marcus 'delaunay's work....although he had wanted everybody to think that it had been etc etc....zielinsky at french intelligence was to explain, what had actually happened...oh and losey was in the 'know' too etc etc.....as it goes, eh?
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