Saturday, 18 January 2025

 ....oh and lagerfeld had wanted a reminder of the following, all of those years ago now - in relation to that 'hi-bern-ate' agreement with the french...who had been hoping to come up via lynch's backdoor in order to take control away from that german CIA team....not a good idea, to let that happen etc etc and yes ESA zielinsky had been trying to help lisa maintain control of etc etc at the yes, lynch had been a very good physicist/mathematician...nearly caught me out, at green tower etc etc...para-lax....we're looking at a marine/maritime communications system....the tards had coded it in as para 'lacs' as in tomlinson as launcelot du lac etc etc...."a bit like a stage door" replies BI online....ah, yes - what was that movie was so funny....where somebody comes up through the stage trapdoor under the carpet etc etc whilst orson welles is trying to act on stage....a bit like lynch 'tunnelling' etc etc....'the twelve-plus-one chairs'......French: 12 + 1; Italian: Una su 13.......more laughter.....go figure:

with a sidelong glance at pentagon emet and his 'peggy' program...."hang it all out on the washing line":

additionally, remember mannningham-buller and her oxygen pills? figure:

and if you'd like to go 'cosmic' for size:

'speaking in tongues' with the lenticular, eh?

oh and it's that 'grandpa clayton' look - after i'd told him that it would all fail - for him and his sons....and tardville's robotic response?...well, you know what i'm it goes ,eh?

oh and this is something around lisa...the glass slipper - duchess of edinburgh's portrait...including her 'slipper' in shot....hmmm....a bit like looking out of travelodge's windows - all of that scaffolding etc etc:

anyway, whatever trump has been's not

oh and if we were to continue with this slipper motif:

...the white gloves of the relation to how long is a 'piece of string' - regarding inspirational design?

remember the MKultra 'beast boiler' etc etc:

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