....and what's new this friday morning, dazzlenation?...well, do you remember the time when sylvia tried to cut horace-the-bassethound's vocal cords etc etc....oh and there was another time before that, when horace had been chasing the other male basset - around the garden....with a kingsize erection....sylvia had panicked and oscar had then told her to chain him up - to the large wooden kennel that he had constructed in the back garden - situated near to the kitchen back door, whilst he fetched a bucket of cold water....the dog was cornered....snarling and growling etc etc....hmmm...masonic symbolism, anybody?....remember boris johnson's radio code about netanyahu..."the bassethound is flying low" whilst at that south of france etc etc.....anyway, losey had wanted a reminder of the following.....go figure:
and what else?...well, i'm having a look at 'the secret life of pets - 2'....lol....anyway, maybe if sylvia had drugged him up with trazodone - as that reddit post suggests etc etc...wait a minute - i've just found out that it's an anti-depressant....hmmm....but does it work the same way upon dogs...surely, one should think twice before treating one's pet as a 'human'?...let me see...the drug increases serotonin in humans - something daldry might try?.....see previous notes upon 'all of that':

anyway, i have a little bit more upon that 'cultra inn - NI' job....and a possible clue as to why a russian ship was spotted off of the coast - which then headed off towards the mediterannean....in short, russian-agents-in-british-intelligence...those like fisher, moore 'n' younger to name but a few, in MI6....were being rounded up...following a 'hack' by rodway/gill's mob...."demobbing" replies BI online....hmmm....an odd word - regarding release from the military....anyway, another 'hare and billet' number - regarding zionist masonic recruitment....oh and something around iranian/persian ID given to victims in order to process them more quickly at the other end...oh and moore had punned with 'haifa sin' versus 'have-to-sin/hafta-sin'....regarding his victims...."only half a sin" if you agree to go quietly...in relation to the port of haifa....and so not just 'the usual', as in abortions and crucifixions planned for that cult-ra number - shipped off to haifa, afterwards...along with a note from the prague rothschild along the lines of 'rabiden'...hmmm....a smilar sort of scenario had been planned at a certain location upon the coast of france, last year - hadn't it?
anyway, there's your 'walrus' of some description - at any rate, dazzlenation:
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