Saturday, 25 January 2025

 ....anyway, dazzlenation - i'm not knocking it until i've tried it...virtual reality 'axe throwing'? that the, it's a good way to 'let off steam'....reminds me a bit, of the way that sylvia used to hurl plates at the back of the tent - in order to break them (a rather satisfying 'sound' to her ears), at suffolk village fairs, all of those years ago relation to that 'break-as-much-of-the-old-china-as-you-like' stalls...she used to love smashing old mass-production-imitation-willow-plates....oh and according to the stall-owner - who used to scavenge cleared-out-houses after somebody had street value to those plates, whatsoever and no 'recycling' in those days etc etc...nowadays, those fairground plates/cups/anything-you-want-to-smash-in-china-stalls have disappeared...who would want to break all of that when people are quite happy to buy it in charity is now 'retro' in a way and probably better made than a lot of stuff, nowadays....and what else?...well, now, for the 21st century we have 'throw-an-axe' time....clever, eh?...nobody can accuse the company of trying to encourage people to use a knife or a gun, lest they get ideas into their etc etc....hmmm......still not sure about it all but then this is all off of the top of my head...with no research into it, whatsoever....'experience the next realm' eh?....go figure:

and having delved into it, further...oh i see....the player isn't actually throwing an axe at a 'battle scene' in front of him or her (as i had secretly feared)....hmmm...looks a bit like a wooden chess board but bad thing, then - eh?"target practice" replies BI online...okaaay - let's not go into 'that one', too much....more than is necessary, let us say...go figure:

omg...'runaway train' - what on earth do you do in that 'game'?....not for me...let me see....hmmm.....on the other hand....if i were a child again - this is the place where i'd be pleading with my parents, to go....and having watched the video...prince phillip had been a rather 'runaway train' hadn't he etc etc....go figure:

omg...if i were young and had a family....i'd 'book now'...just to find out, what this is all about...a bit like oscar 'n' all of those blackheath parents - signing up to all of those 'greenwich observatory' sessions - in the late 60s....the lady-at-the-door with the 'suspicious free sweets' before you went in etc etc remember andrew marr's warning to the rest of his little gang etc etc....see previous notes...go figure.

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