....and what's new this saturday morning, dazzlenation?...ah, evans had been in charge of your 'effin birds' number...coupled with a viking tragedy....or would that be norwegian intelligence?....see previous posts....go figure:
with a sidelong glance at 'black, furry tongue'....work it out:
not forgetting 'speaking in tongues' by talking heads - that 'road-to-nowhere' crew...including their 'adulation' of pippa morton, who won their 'first prize'...along with gill, rodway et al - all watching from the auditorium etc etc..."come on inside" as the lyrics suggest...i.e. inside the heroin addiction tent in relation to 'living the dream' etc etc....see previous notes upon 'all of that'....go figure:
and so i would guess that you're on 'the burial of the dead' - here, dazzlenation...something that had inspired rickson but not in a 'good' way etc etc:
and upon reflection...of course i am angry - dazzlenation....so very angry about tardville (the US/UK 'special-in-the-head' agreement etc etc) and all that it implies....and that is because if it had been stopped beforehand....COVID would have prevented....see previous notes upon shanghai 2003 etc etc..."i had not thought death had undone so many"....hmmmm.....the collective state of mental health in this country and as a direct result of COVID...a bit of a knock-on effect etc etc...and so what can i do but keep on 'talking' upon my blog....despite having been programmed in as a 'cassandra' by mark r etc etc.....as it goes, eh?
and a postscript to 'all of that' - see above, dazzlenation....remember sylvia's annual-christmas-lunch-rendition-of-how-ed-and-myself-were-born etc etc.....she used to break down in helpless laughter, after telling assorted 'guests' how i had been born - apparently covered from head-to-toe in 'black hair'...along with a parallel drawn to the tortured/abused remote-viewer..."the tortured tongue" replies BI online...those speaking-in-tongues...bitten, burnt etc etc...along with an aside to the jerusalem sephardic mossad - referring to myself as their 'tongue' i.e. a 'milky way' number - see previous notes upon that 'astral body' chart - regarding maritime 'sorcery'....lol....and yes, sylvia had really believed it, at the time of the whole narration, whilst in a 'wicked witch' child alter etc etc....remember edna weale saying "the mother's mad - bill, what are we going to do?"....anyway, i 'get' it now...about poor old sylvia - as whalley had said, she couldn't really help it...."run by those who could" replies BI online....in short, i had been born 'the natural way' let us say.....see previous notes upon 'all of that' and had therefore been born with a soul (unlike those via IVF etc etc)....hence that 'speaking in tongues' reference...."able to contact the ethereal"....well, that's a way of putting it....lol....but true, nonetheless.....soul gas....a scientific fact....a verifiable noble gas, if you have the equipment etc etc.....however, nobody is ever going to put 'that one' into the public domain...."maritime law".....and upon that note...remember what had happened to lisa 'n' browne...ask dearlove for details...because ingabot 'n' weale are up, for the same thing....in relation to a recent maritime court ruling.....and the way, that i see it, right now...is that maritime law should go ahead....no point in making 'excuses' for tardville....because otherwise they simply keep on coming back at you, until you are forced to etc etc....oh and upon the note of sylvia and 'tongues'...she had made a point of telling us all, after grandma clayton's death....of how her 'tongue' had finished her off....apparently it was something to do with her lungs filling with fluid and then her tongue had swollen up and choked her to death....sylvia was to opine, bitterly and somewhat venomously - that she wished that we had all seen the 'dead body', in order to know what 'death' was really like...apparently grandma clayton's hugely swollen tongue was sticking out of her mouth - a horrifying sight etc etc......and yet, sylvia had noted it all 'grimly' and without pity...wanted to 'exhibit' her poor mother's corpse, as something like an example of why standing up against satanists was wrong etc etc.....hmmm...i've seen enough dead bodies in my time - but the 'tongue' thing was interesting....and that is why i've recounted it at length, dazzlenation...and yes, grandpa clayton had known only too well, all about it - he used to titter about grandma clayton 'speaking in tongues' etc etc....poor old grandma clayton...such a good 'church woman' - to then have grandpa clayton's coffin thrown into her grave - after uncle michael had put his sephardic wife's ashes-in-an-urn upon the top of her coffin...and then there's sylvia...wanting to open the grave - and 'jump-up-and-down' upon the lot of them...which is pretty much what she'd told me - on that swiss ferry - see previous notes upon 'all of that'.....no wonder the latest in, at st mary's, combs...doesn't want to have anything to do with 'satanist' uncle bobby, along with the whole caboodle etc etc...and then there's the question of ed 'n' oscar wanting to put in a 'bench' to celebrate sylvia gyde nee clayton - at hill house, combs etc etc....crazy stuff....as it goes, eh?
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