Monday, 4 November 2024

 ....and what else is 'new', dazzlenation?...well, remember 'noise machines' in relation to sylvia and that no. 3 st austell road couple?.....the 'chappell-sheet-music' job (a warner bros reference) etc etc?....well, certain members of the irish community, let us say - had wanted a few matters cleared up...firstly the 'wake' involved - had been a pun on the dead, risen - from their coffin - during that satanic MI5/MOD event...not to mention the 'medics' involved.....see previous notes.....for then - that chappell east end mob, to realise that sylvia was a 'star' upon their organ..."she's really gifted"....hmmmm...shades of daldry watching petrol nell doing her 'bat-that-can't-fly-dance around a templar bonfire etc etc...."she's really gifted!" etc etc (see previous notes upon that cagnes-sur-mer horrorshow)....oh and also see previous notes upon sylvia's off-key-singing....we used to call it 'tone-deaf' or simply 'tuneless' in those days, but anyway....hmmm.....let's experience at sylvia's old private school 'st 'felix' - regarding the organ....not to mention her taking centre stage, as the main 'pirate' in their annual production of a certain gilbert and sullivan opera etc etc...she was just 'perfect' for them....and rodway had figured that sylvia had always been her 'perfect' mother....and yes, now i 'get' her jealousy and terrifying, in a have watched rodway, worm her way into my have made me be a 'nanny' to her - through such emotional manipulation and for all of those decades.....oh and what's the biggest 'laugh' of that once she had had that chip-in-her-head regarding learning hebrew fluently....a mossad chip - inserted.....after so much 'brain' had been surgically removed....."I will not be myself (afterwards)" she had told the rest of us, at the time..."mike told me to do it" if 'herself' hadn't been bad enough, at the time etc etc...not to mention her job as a cleaner at buckingham palace, to then go on to stab prince william "i did it for mike" she was to simper, afterwards....and sue whalley appears to think that her sister might have etc etc...would that be in relation to 'warner' - regarding chappell etc etc....oh and in relation to potsy's grounded frequency program....rodway appears to have starred in it as a 'worm' - figuratively....yes, really....and i can remember 'why' had identified with that old jooish story about how God sends down a leaf to protect a 'worm' upon the ground etc etc...and yes, she had been adamant that she was the worm-in-question.......go figure:

and what is the barely coherent 'anonymous-cowardly-tard' response to 'all of that' - this evening, dazzlenation?...oh and are cornick and wilcox at the met - still getting the same etc etc...go figure:

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