Tuesday, 12 November 2024

 ....and what's new this tuesday evening, dazzlenation?...well, remember those rodway photos....turned up again upon my camera....lol....additionally remember peter's connection to gill and in relation to 'floor 'er' and that company 'prestige'...."contracted in by evans" replies BI online...."shana had helped" and so had her husband, as far as i can see....02031505278....oh and now i know why i used 'mcdonald' as an alias for you-know-who....and that is because gill had laughed "FLORA MCDONALD!" as rimington approached him....remember that MI5 russian course 1980 - where the trainee graduates had run blindly at that top royal horse-guards mind control programmer in order to 'jump' him i.e. get him down etc etc...and yes, mcdonald had then launched himself blindly, to land on top of etc etc...became her nickname, for a while - afterwards....shades of evans' worst nightmare etc etc...remember a visit from the 'milkmaid' or the 'nightnurse' for that matter?....more laughter....anyway, having taken a few photographs of the state of play, in my bathroom - regarding re-tiling....and not received a reply back from CHP as to who will foot the bill, if i allow 'prestige' in to carry out an inspection to then...."charge you the earth"...precisely what i want to avoid...re-tiling can run to £1000s...i've sent those photos to CHP - asking them what they think of the job they have done so far (tiles on shelf and beside bath replaced by white board) and if any further work needs to be done and if so - most importantly - who will foot the bill etc etc...anyway, the radio links were all about whitehall/evans/shana-lewis-and-husband...and the last file to crop up...guess 'where-in-the-world'...."mount herzl"...a zionist number with a whole load of 'schnorrers' attached....go figure:

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