....anyway, whalley was then to have a look at the aerial view, of that CDER london address at monument...to note "little lizard" in relation to what her sister had been up to etc etc....see previous post....and what else?...well, marr was to add a note...something around 'little dorrit' and 'doric' pillars...oh and what's 'that' on top of the 'great fire of london' monument etc etc....go figure:
and so there you have it, dazzlenation....bicycles and buses....."sacred geometry" replies BI online...lol....and 'that' too....go figure:
with an aside to toddy "you can see it all from here, honey"....go figure:
.....dorkus - anybody?...lol:
and then we're back to 'the world is just a great big onion' or something like that...along with a sidelong glance at mathematicians who have seen the sacred geometry of it all, let us say....and as a result...tend to have a belief in a good God...opposed to other scientists who figure that their research confirms their atheist beliefs etc etc......go figure:
anyway, fabulous views of 'the city at night'...oh and where was your sister supposed to be located, again - susan?
...i'd better turn that widget around to face the river...somewhere on the left....lol...and yes, my sixth sense is picking up on whalley's sister having programmed herself in as...."the queen of darkness" replies BI online...yes, something around the above snip - seen in a demonic light:
oh and the following is pretty scary, too....a bit 'lord of the rings'...mordor - that's it....sue's sister had been programming in etc etc:
and yes, i 'get' it now....CDER had been her 'orcs' - projecting that, at any rate:
you wouldn't want to walk around there, after dark - would you?...lol:
and so let me see....you enter the hellhole 'here'....as in the western tunnel...avoiding the orcs-on-the-bridge etc etc:
well, you know how it goes:
and then in a parallel universe - you slip into peter jackson's world:
to find yourself netted like a bug, in a program....and yes, that had happened to a certain CID man:
and so you attempt to get a line out...need we continue with the metaphor, any further?
and you find yourself wondering who st magnus the martyr had been....hmmm....remember magnus magnusson.....because that is who whalley's sister had been thinking about..."i am the real mastermind" etc etc....go figure:
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