Saturday, 2 November 2024

 .....anyway, dazzlenation....more radio files - the greenwich and into woolwich...oh and the two files with 'eb' in them?...well, the first was a satellite connection....something around the 'ebb and flow' of the tide...whilst the second appeared to be the short, the network that rodway had set up, whilst working as a nanny in blackheath, all of those years ago...additionally, you might like to check up on what she had been up to in port meirion, wales.....see previous post....go figure:

oh and in relation to a certain church where mr rodway used to hold his satanic services....hmmm....must have been disused at the time....and then pulled down...we're going back to 1985 here.....anyway, it had been located near to where kate golby used to live....somewhere betwixt and between small heath, tyseley etc etc.....anyway, if tard-force had wanted to set up again, somewhere else....i was curious to learn about this 'river flow' number...appears to have some sort of recording studio....let us hope that tard-force don't have the keys etc etc....and yes, this is all a bit 'deja vu':

anyway, i can now finally remember what this was all about - dazzlenation...a drug dealer named 'pookie' who had lived near to that disused church....tomlinson used to use him now and then because he supplied 'rainbow juice' psycho-sis drugs, as well as the usual street junk etc etc....oh and kate's partner 'paul'...a bent, alcoholic copper in the west midlands police force, at the time...had a large share in the drugs store, at pookie's residence.....and one night it all went up in, that disused church was pulled down in the end because so many in the area had reported missing children and seen 'something' in relation to what rodway's father et al, had been up to - at night....hmmm....the church shall i describe it...'spider's web' windows....a bit like one down pier avenue....not that i'm saying anything like that goes on something similar about the architecture....go figure:

...anyway, MI5 evans had appeared to want to 'fog' the whole issue - regarding where rodway/williams had got married....and for no apparent reason....whereas  - rimington, having dealt with 'paul' - that ugly abusive and extremely violent number in the west midlands police force...oh and he had gone by the surname of 'kennedy''dead kennedys' according to rickson....rimington had not been that interested in him - once his 'drugs biznez' had gone down at pookie's and yes, she'd overseen 'that one' had been more interested in kate golby's 'best friend' at tudor grange....somebody who had given kate, the 'right advice' in order to 'stay out of it' as much as she could, given the situation....hmmmm...a young sixth form student who had looked a bit like pippa morton's sister-but- not....brown eyes, unkempt shoulder-length brown hair....a fringe that kept falling before her eyes....white faced....and laughing in kate's ear, about 'this and that' any rate, rimington had wondered why she had emerged relatively unscathed because of.....'all of it'...go figure. 

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