...and what's new this monday evening, dazzlenation?...well, firstly - i recently had a problem viewing 'la ligne' because the BFI site appeared to log my geographical location as not in the UK and for no apparent reason, i might add....still in clacton etc etc....and so refused to let me watch any film, for that matter...i then had a chat online with 'keon'....unhelpful and rather suspect, let us say....along with 'lewis' (hmmm...shades of rodway's adoptees?), who was to reply later on, via email - exactly the same thing....anyway, i then managed to resolve the problem, myself....simplicity is all....the old turn it off and turn it on again number...lol....go figure:
oh and i had politely asked 'keon' if he were a chatbot:-)...i didn't bother to reply to 'lewis':
and what else?....that on-going horrorshow at belle court....see previous posts:
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