Wednesday 16 August 2023

...oh and if we're on 'kite' shops, dazzlenation - see previous post....(Radio 1 presenter Sian Eleri investigates the paranormal mystery of the gravestone in the garden By Peter Shuttleworth BBC News)...then i think that it is more about the journalist 'peter shuttleworth' than etc rather 'deja vu', let us say........go figure:

Sugar Loaf - Google Maps

Peter Shuttleworth | Facebook

and in relation to er....'lan-china', anybody?....more laughter....anyway, 'crappy' and 'mikki' from mcdonald's CIA japanese team, at warwick had wanted a reminder of that particular attempt at a sky program - shot through with holes, let us say....and all because of a certain sailing trip from the UK to japan....fraught with danger, along the way but navigable, let us order to discover etc etc....anyway, after hearing about it...and how at one point - after having suffered a 'poisoned water' incident, in the east....'mikki' was to hallucinate 'sea monsters' etc etc....and after recounting 'all of that' to me...i was to wonder if the whole thing had been a bit like an early explorer's etc short, a bit 'marco polo'...whereupon she had told me to remember it as that....go figure:

and so i would guess that if you want to find the spirits haunting etc can probably find them, breezing through here, too - dazzlenation....go figure:

and what else, dazzlenation?...well, isn't this a bit topsy-turvy/upside down world....through the looking glass style etc etc....anyway, the following upside down building with the orbs (two eggs time?) was to remind me of 1960s/70s footage of the many 'domes' in and around greenwich meantime observatory - available on the BFI site....go figure:

oh and moore had been interested in the following...i wonder 'why'?...hmmm...anything to do with 'mikki' and 'walking the white double line'?...and yes, i can remember now - 'mikki's team were to tell her that the following must have been etc etc:

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