Saturday 26 August 2023

 ....and now it's time for a hop, skip and a jump through the 'carbisdale' - something that brenda had wanted a reminder of:

France to spend €200m destroying wine as demand falls - BBC News

anyway, what is wrong with the french - why can't they donate the wine to one of their departments/developing countries (former french colonies) a reward for doing so well, or something like that...they don't need to say that it is 'surplus', do they?...a win-win situation rather than such an appalling waste.

oh wait a minute...the following is now coming up...hmmm....remember lisa in relation to basel...additionally, oscar had said that 'they' were in the jura but he wasn't sure 'where'...perhaps you should ask campestre about porrentruy and in relation to the mossad:

additionally, i can remember a conversation with brenda...after i had told her that gill was a 'dog in the manger'...she hadn't heard the phrase it goes, eh?

additionally, something that the holliday sisters had known about....a certain movie upon the BFI site....under the 'queer' umbrella....and in relation to the alien 'black plant' that they drink the juice of, in 'flowery teacups' order to 'transform'...hmmm....made me immediately think of 'heroin' but there you go....anyway, remember sarah holliday and her 'skunk' seed packet etc etc.....go figure:

anyway, off on a tangent now...regarding the following....are you sure that was all that was in that particular collection my sixth sense is picking up on the objective of the climb....hmmm....which had not been to etc etc....more point of fact, robbing the collection box had simply been an afterthought, from what i can gather, so far...gemini pass, leukerbad village - anybody?.......go figure:

and so what had really been going on, here?

hmmm....and the following is upon the timer system...all more than a bit 'deja vu' rather out on a limb....a connection though, however 'loose' it might be....more laughter....go figure:

along with an attempt at some sort of 'panorama'?

anyway, we can assume that this is all about a 'transforming agent' of sorts - dazzlenation...and that the mossad were behind it....with a sidelong glance at that scottish castle...a join-the-dots number....go figure:

oh and getting back to porrentruy, might question froehlich about it all because he had been part of the whole thing...and yes, i can remember now - brenda had wanted to test how far my 'range' was etc relation to putting up the dots, for her then to work out etc etc:

.....and most importantly of all....froehlich had named his operation "eccobar"....after the surname of one of his mossad team...a certain mr escobar...."pierre" replies BI online...he then memory-dumped himself and so when it came to etc etc...naturally he couldn't remember a thing and sounded convincing, i might add....anyway, why 'ecco-bar'?....hmmm....remember amadeus and his 'ecce homo' number, regarding the taschmann 'pavement' lithostrotos etc etc....also a suggestion of 'echo' in the mountains....and 'bar' meaning 'son of'...son of man/son of God allusion...behold the man/son/sun...or illusion, perhaps?

and last but not least - somewhere that MI6 younger had hoped nobody would etc etc...."because we're going to ride oz" marr currently on holiday, there?:

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