Friday, 9 June 2023

 ....and what's new upon my youtube frontpage, dazzlenation?...'son of rumplestiltskin' amongst other etc etc....go figure:

oh and one of my all time favourite maru 'n' hana moments....mutiny...'on the bounty'? not at all happy with 'auto-feeders'....accustomed to the finer things in life etc etc...oh and what had happened to 'miri' moore, then? suspect that maru 'n' hana had ganged up on 'her' and etc etc because she was nowhere to be seen...a bit 'lord of the flies', huh?....anyway, time for a mix 'n' match....hmmm.....something around tomlinson's relationship to 'crappy' - who then mutinied, let us say...after tomlinson had tried to soul-trap him, by attempting to drown him, in the bath....and upon that note - remember rimington 'n' buller...their 'order of the bath' had followed exactly the same routine etc etc ....go figure:

"a funny little man who makes a deal to help him out and he does a little magic" etc etc...hmmm....tomlinson had done too much 'magical thinking' and not enough maths - see previous notes upon 'all of that' it goes, eh?...and then we're back to trump, again.....anyway, BI had chosen the following pic because it had reminded them of MI5 evans, as the captain:

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