....and what's new this sunday evening, dazzlenation?..."more and coming" replies BI online...oh and his wife is blind, apparently...purely coincidental, of course etc etc.....see previous notes upon 'all of that'....go figure:
New MI6 chief wants more disabled people to join Secret Intelligence Service - Mirror Online
"we'll pull out all of the stops" he had told warwick recruits...if you get into any trouble and well, you know how that one goes etc etc:
St Mary's Church, Warwick - Organ (stmaryswarwick.org.uk)
only three comments...i could add one along the lines of 'scooters'?....what is that really all about....remember how mcgowan had been out and about in clacton - trying to recall 'missing scooters'....hmmm..."drugs run - MI6 staff had found out what moore and mcgowan had really been up to"....and so they're not all 'bad', then?....lol:
anyway, i'm still looking at apps 'n' free wifi, here.....remember how sainsbury's used to offer free wifi with their app?.....hmmm...."wicked pack of cards" replies BI online....and so who had been coded as 'what' precisely....regarding digital vs physical cards?
....although what actually bothers me, here...is how rimington 'n' crappy had managed to 'swipe' over £100 from my bank account via the 'petrol station' at another branch of morrison's....and yes, that 'debit' had shown up on my bank statements and yet, morrisons and also my bank would do nothing about it - despite my never ever having visited that store, never mind used my card to buy petrol, there.....see previous notes upon 'all of that':
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