Monday 26 June 2023

 ....and what else, dazzlenation?...more bullshit from the sick 'n' the stupid regarding lakeland ultra navy water shoes, on the timer system - with a sidelong glance at 'crappy'...i kid you not....anyway, water shoes are a great idea - if like don't want to step on one of those humongous jellyfish that get washed up on the beach, now and then etc etc...and yes, i've taken quite a few pics, over the years...imagine if you got stung and clacton hospital didn't have etc etc....additionally - no ambulances available to take you elsewhere...and why should anybody know about 'antidotes' to etc etc...never mind have any, on the know how it goes and why i have to do my best to 'keep safe'....see previous notes regarding being bitten and almost stung to death, in indonesia...and yes, i would guess that it is the gulf stream that brings the jellyfish in and not another 'buller' job, let us say - see previous notes upon her importing poisonous little spiders, in order to 'earn it by being evil' etc etc...luckily, according to BI - they were unable to live in such a cold clime and so died off pretty quickly....go figure:

and yes, stepping on 'otters' would be the least of my worries - lol:

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