Monday 26 June 2023

 ....and so i'm assuming that you'd wanted a reminder of westminster cathedral - dazzlenation....wc for short....see previous post...."walking the plank" replies BI figure:

Westminster Cathedral - Google Maps

additionally, somebody had rung my mobile - to leave a message from CHP....oddly enough, it was a personal number: 07860 047360....and so for a laugh, i checked it out on then find heather kempson's 'cover' let us say...regarding kate block of wood as her 'vansittart' (fancy tart) down a certain road in windsor, upon which a 'chauffeur' was located..."that's him" she was to tell them i.e. amadeus.....additionally, google was also to throw up a 'wild cucumber' number....hmmmm....something around gill 'n' his cucumber gang.....more laughter:

"that's our place" kempson had explained to the rest of them...a hardwickii number - cryptic, eh?....remember julie hardwick's dad, along with hardwick hall etc etc....pat's department had investigated - amongst others:

hmmm....there is a place near to cambridge - called 'hardwick' upon google....go figure:

is that where the 'bonds' hang out?...hmmm....kempson had said "we'll invite them, too"...helmingham hall:

additionally, there's another 'helmingham hall' near to stowmarket and so naturally one wonders if robert webb et al etc etc....anyway, upon first glance - looks like the same sort of thing - architecturally....with a moat (or has somebody conflated the two buildings by including a pic of etc etc)...but perhaps run upon a more 'arts' based theme?

anyway, somebody at BI had been looking for a 'masked man' and so here's one in the yes, there's a bridge in the distance and so there is most probably a moat:

oh and what happened here - the original had been suddenly demolished?...and then we get 'wright's etc etc....additionally, why does google maps indicate 'stowmarket' when it is nowhere near?

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