.....and what else, dazzlenation?..well, off on a tangent now - having taken inspiration from the 'maru' household - regarding a blow-up spare bed.....i was to wonder if you could get a blow-up sofa....seeing as i only have a one-bedroom flat and don't want to cramp my living room space....lol...the following then looked a bit 'deja vu', let us say...oh-oh, is this all part of that masonic 'wicked witch' shitshow..."legs don't work" replies BI online...it is, isn't it?...one of judy's specialities according to moore et al....go figure:
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oh and moore had recoded judy's croc....as this SPARTOO number...whilst intoning "one two, buckle my shoe, three four, knock on the door" etc etc:
"nine six, a big fat witch" replies BI online....oh i see....moore had figured that he would use rodway, if elliot wasn't available:
anyway, we can now see what meaning - moore et al, had overlaid the following rhyme with....i.e. if you lay somebody out straight - they tend to be unconscious on the floor:
Three, four, knock at the door, Five, six, pick up sticks, Seven, eight, lay them straight, Nine, ten, lets start again.
oh and one last thing to add, regarding judy's dad and that whole 'soviet' bundle....remember sylvia laughing "hee hee hee" about how lloyds were to split and that she would end up with the TSB....hmmm....remember that A-Z run - regarding the FSB and how they would be recoded, annually etc etc..."she'd reckoned that she'd got the better deal" replies BI online...oh i see - oscar was left behind, at lloyds...remember 'cathy' at the ipswich branch?...."mossad".....a metaphor, then - for a pitched battle between the two..."sharing the dividends"...and what can i say but that sylvia might have done if it hadn't been for that uber group - above both the mossad and russian intelligence....i.e. harari and the romanian soviet jooish contingent....go figure.
and what else, dazzlenation?..well, one last thing and it is a bit 'off on a tangent' but seeing as it relates to what mcgowan 'n' lisa's son could remember of petrol nell....remember, she had been sonia fisher's top choice....in her 'luminous procuress' role.....hmmm...anyway, petrol nell had shown those two policemen, that BFI film....to then tell them..."i can do that!" i.e. point her legs to the ceiling and make them 'shudder'....reminded me of the time that i had seen a dog, go into rigor mortis in the road - after having been hit by a car, albeit it, on its side - anyway, the muscles all seized up and shuddered before etc etc....which is probably pertinent to the whole subject....NDEs/OBEs etc etc..."buggery cult" replies BI online....anyway, as i had noted before...a CIA spokesman had once said "we don't do that anymore"...as in a couple of electrodes to the temples, a quick 'shock' within a controlled environment and the subject is 'flying' - without developing a 'rosary' ring etc etc...see previous notes upon what had happened to gill...."rectal damage"....anyway, i can't find a video of a dog going into rigor mortis....but i did find the following...and yes, it is on the timer system, for some reason...go figure:
oh and last but not least because i might as well bung it all in here, at the end of this post....for the record - petrol nell had told those policemen that 'petronella wyatt' i.e. boris' old girlfriend had been the original 'holliday' ma...."the real procuress" replies BI online.....i see - is that what marr had told you?....see previous posts.
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