Thursday 29 June 2023

 ...oh and in a very alternate dimension - dazzlenation...we're back to heather kempson et helmingham hall....remember that aerial view of two sites - both called 'helmingham hall' upon google maps...i.e. a derelict area and a wright's number...with a third hall of the same name, much further away......go figure:

Wagner: Satellite images show activity at military base in Belarus - BBC News

anyway, kempson's brigade had coded out the 'grey' letters - in relation to comments...make of it, what you will:

a bit of an SOS number, in relation to 'JJ' as in gill:

additionally, remember lazroe and her 'huskie' number?...the code for the prague rothschild's HUS desk.....oh and kempson had wrongly blamed the CIA for...well, what only the NSA can do - lol:

and yes, they are all really in trouble now....because moore's idiocy had a knock-on effect, let us say....the whole rothschild system went down....and the milibands with so what i had told the SAS, all of those years ago, now...appears to be coming into short, they had told me that they would put up a temporary system until normal services were resumed etc etc....for me to advise them that it might have to be permanent....besides, the old system worked perfectly well..."if it ain't broke - don't fix it" etc etc...and so the whole country can go on as normal...without moore's shitheads and that rothschild horrorshow....and yes, that zygote slavery system had come down, too.

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