Wednesday, 7 June 2023

 ....and what's new this wednesday evening, dazzlenation?....according to BI online...moore had cut me off in 2021 and then started a new contract...although i would suspect that he had used rodway's adoptee 'francesca' at the clacton shop - remember the time that i had bought an oppo phone, there and she had connected both my hotspot and phone account so that i could pay both at the same time?...nota bene i did no such thing myself - why would i want to have my hotspot account cut off?...02 is so much better a service provider than 3, for example....anyway, i only have my initial contract - from 2019, in my hands....and yes, naturally i am livid but what can i do....except laugh at what a 'cropper' moore has now become, as a result of his and ridiculed, internationally....oh and i might add that the system he is trying to reboot - has been down for 5 years with no hope whatsoever, of getting it up and running again....which is why i had to keep quiet about that device rental charge at £1.38 p.m. and for so long until etc etc had been set up to deal with him and his highly illegal...."drug smuggling system" replies BI online....remember he was the school 'idiot' and not good at anything, apart from 'acting', let us say...hopeless at maths....anyway, one can assume that nothing like that will ever happen again...although to  be reimbursed - i had better ask for an inquiry into who had cut me off and then restarted that hotspot contract...go figure:

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