....off on a tangent now, toby macklin and his former family residence in richmond, was to come up and in relation to that ferry, you used to be able to catch - over to hampton court...additionally, hampton court maze was also in-the-mix...along with shepherd's pie, believe it or not....lol....go figure:
Barney Desmazery - BBC Good Food
No-fuss shepherd's pie recipe | BBC Good Food
...oh i remember now.....macklin had put the following 'apricots' and shepherd's pie recipe in....more laughter...i hadn't realised just how many different recipes, there could be....anyway, something around forking the top and skiing - perhaps?...none of this is making sense as yet but we'll see - dazzlenation....go figure:
Shepherd's pie recipes | BBC Good Food
Fragrant shepherd’s pie with apricots recipe | BBC Good Food
and yes, i can remember now...if you're not keen on 'moroccan ' then you can go for the 'indian' - with garam masala.....hmmmm...something around opening doors...."ending up a perfumed ball" replies BI online....wait a minute...pom-pom ball....is this something to do with macron's cross...the 'pommee' number - spelt 'pomee'?.....with a sidelong glance at the BBC in shepherd's bush, perhaps?...not necessarily.....who knows....anyway, i wonder which is marr's favourite recipe....oh and remember rimington forking it in, regarding richard harris' demonic nativity number etc etc....go figure:
alternately, 'precious in pink' - becky had decided to use the following, for 'something':

and now it is finally beginning to come back, dazzlenation....sylvia had sent becky the sixth form student off to have a chat with henrietta...who was to look at her file and then tell her that she had been classified as a class II psychopath....she then asked becky why she had stabbed somebody...becky then replied that she had pinched her man or something along those lines...but that she had learned her lesson in 'juvey' etc etc....anyway, henrietta had always had a keen interest in parole boards etc etc....oh and remember how petrol nell had swapped my police file for hers.....mine had been spotless previously etc etc....anyway, i can remember henrietta round at no.8...telling me that i was a class I psychopath....what twisted thinking...."a reflection of herself" replies BI online....anyway, i turned it back on her, by saying..."do you say that to all of the soldiers in the army?".....she laughed "that's clever" in a menacing way and so i then reminded her of who i was....to then add that the others i.e. bobby's mob didn't know....but she certainly had done.....regarding my work for US intelligence etc etc....anyway, 'cold and calculating' - dazzlenation....i had to be both when dealing with those murderous psychopaths i.e. bobby's mob....part of the whole operation etc etc and so yes, i can see why she was accusing me of exhibiting those character traits, at the time but that had been necessary, given the situation etc etc....anyway, files were always a problem, weren't they - dazzlenation....remember mcdonald as head of the shanghai CIA station - reading buller's report upon myself....i then laughed it off as a tissue of lies...to then refer him to my FBI files....turns out he needed such high security clearance - that he was unable to read them...which speaks volumes, about the whole thing - doesn't it?...top security operation...and even given his status, at the time - he hadn't been allowed to hinder me in any way, or to even to ask questions about what i was up to, at the time etc etc.....'hands off' time...despite buller having concocted that tissue of lies, in order to try and have me arrested.......oh and look at what happened next, at the academic hotel upon campus....mr putin et al....that clandestine 'international finance' meeting, let us say...."russian takeover" replies BI online...and buller had wanted me out of there, beforehand....anyway, in general - there are a lot of people (and professions) who have to be 'cold and calculating' in their work which doesn't necessarily make them psychopaths....surgeons, are the first, that to come to mind....lol...'clinical' is probably better than 'cold', let us say....and in relation to 'calculations'...well, i was the only one who had been really good at 'maths', in relation to 'control-of-the-environment' and the general overview....more laughter....go figure.

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